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GA abbr.acentos
anestes. общий наркоз (местного наркоза не бывает, наркоз всегда общий, doc090, но что делать переводчику, если в тексте именно общий наркоз? MichaelBurov); общее обезболивание (MichaelBurov); общая анестезия (MichaelBurov)
avia. малая авиация (MichaelBurov); лёгкая авиация (MichaelBurov); АОН (MichaelBurov); уход на второй круг; авиация общего назначения (general aviation Emilia M); угол планирования (gliding angle Emilia M)
equip. генетический алгоритм (сокр. от genetic algorithm ssn)
Gruzovik, cient. общая схема (general arrangement); сборочный чертёж (general arrangement)
Gruzovik, econ. агент, представляющий своего доверителя по широкому кругу вопросов (general agent)
Gruzovik, polít. Джорджия, штат США (Georgia)
med. срок беременности (gestational age allag)
mil. табун (боевое отравляющее вещество нервно-паралитического действия Alex_Odeychuk); Джи-Эй (табун)
nacion. Генеральная Ассамблея (ООН kee46); Генеральная Ассамблея ООН (Andrey Truhachev)
petr. галлонов кислоты (gallons of acid)
petról. число галлонов кислоты (gallons of acid)
prod. АТИ (Yeldar Azanbayev); атмосфера избыточная (Yeldar Azanbayev)
telecom. число новых подключений (gross adds Ремедиос_П)
Ga abbr.
geocr. миллиардов лет (MichaelBurov); миллиард лет (MichaelBurov)
geol. миллиард (лет, в геологиии Andrey250780)
tec. галлий
ga abbr.
chin. га (для транскрипции на основе латиницы, используемой для передачи звуков китайского языка по системе ханьюй пиньинь, кириллический эквивалент приводится по системе Палладия Alex_Odeychuk)
geof. кажущаяся проводимость
tec. калибр
Ga. abbr.
gen. штат Джорджия (lop20)
 Inglés tesauro
GA abbr.
abrev., avia. general application; general information; generator assembly; ground A; Garuda Indonesia
abrev., meteorol. airway conductance; antigen-antibody reaction; gibberellin A3; gingivoaxial; glutaric aciduria; gut-associated; glycuronic acid
Ga. abbr.
abrev. Georgia; Georgia Reports
ga. abbr.
abrev. gasoline; gage
constr. gauge
GA abbr.
abrev. glyoxal
abrev., avia. generic aircraft; general aircraft corporation
abrev., casp. gathering (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abrev., cienc. galvanic; Gemological Association; geophone analyzer; girding algorithm; granulite; ground area
abrev., dep. goals against
abrev., espac. gimbal angle; go-ahead signal; go around; gyro accelerometer; gyroscope autopilot
abrev., fin. general account
abrev., petról. Canadian Gas Association; grid azimuth; Gas Abstracts; gas alarm; gas analyzer; gas or air; gated attenuation; gauged; gear assembly; gelled acid; gelling agent; genetic algorithms; Geo-Abstracts; Geographical Abstracts; Geological Abstracts; Geological Association; Geologists' Association; Geomorphologic Abstracts; Geoscience Abstracts; Geotechnical Abstracts; gray amorphous; green algae; group atmosphere
abrev., quím. glutamic acid
abrev., telecom. global address
GA abbr.
abrev. CSX Transportation Incorporated; Gabon (Internet country code Alex Lilo); gage (gauge); Gage (Alex Lilo); Galaxy Angel (anime series Alex Lilo); Galeria E Arteve (National Art Gallery Alex Lilo); Galvanizers Association (UK Alex Lilo); Gambling Act; Game Arena (Australian gaming website Alex Lilo); Gaming-Age (gaming website Alex Lilo); Garage (real estate Alex Lilo); Garuda Indonesia Airline - Indonesia (IATA airline code Alex Lilo); Gary Allan (country music artist Alex Lilo); gas amplification; Gas Analysis (Alex Lilo); Gate Array (Alex Lilo); Gay Asian (Alex Lilo); Gazillion Annum; Geekarea (website Alex Lilo); General Accident (British Insurance Company Alex Lilo); General Adjutant; General Admission (Alex Lilo); General Agent; General Agreement (Alex Lilo); General Alarm (Alex Lilo); General Anaesthetic; General Answer (Alex Lilo); general assignment; General Assistance (Alex Lilo); General Auditor (Alex Lilo); Gambia (Alex Lilo); General Authority; General Auxiliary (Alex Lilo); General Availability (OS/2); General Awareness (Alex Lilo); General of the Air Force; General of the Army; Generally Available (Alex Lilo); Genetic Anomalies, Inc. (Alex Lilo); Genetically Altered; Geographic Address; Geographic Atrophy (eye condition Alex Lilo); Geographical Address (Alex Lilo); Geographical Association; Geologic Age (Alex Lilo); Geologists Association; Geoscience Australia (Alex Lilo); German Army; Germantown Academy (Alex Lilo); Gestational Age (Alex Lilo); Ghana Army (Alex Lilo); Gift Aid; Giga Annum; Gilbert Arenas (basketball player Alex Lilo); Gillian Anderson (Alex Lilo); Ginger Ale (Alex Lilo); Giorgio Armani (clothing brand Alex Lilo); Girls Aloud (band Alex Lilo); Girls in Action (Southern Baptist Convention organization for young girls Alex Lilo); Gis Analysis; Glendale Arena (Arizona Alex Lilo); Global Assessment (Alex Lilo); Global Atlas (Alex Lilo); Globus Alliance (HP, IBM, et al Alex Lilo); Glutaraldehyde (Alex Lilo); Glyoxylic Acid; Go Ahead (used in chat Alex Lilo); Go Away (Alex Lilo); Goal Attack; Goals Against (Alex Lilo); GoblinARMY (gaming Alex Lilo); Good Afternoon (Alex Lilo); Google Analytics (Alex Lilo); Google Answers; Gould Aerospace; Government Actuary; Government Aided (Alex Lilo); Government Allotment (Alex Lilo); Government Civil Aviation Authority; Graduate Advisor (live-in advisors to undergraduates Alex Lilo); Graduate Assistant (Alex Lilo); Graduate Assistantship (Alex Lilo); Grand Admiral (Alex Lilo); Grand Alliance (advanced television Alex Lilo); Granuloma Annulare (dermatology Alex Lilo); graphic ammeter; Graphic Annunciator (fire alarm Alex Lilo); Graphic Arts; GraphicAudio (Alex Lilo); Graphics & Administration (Alex Lilo); Graphics Adapter (Alex Lilo); Graphics Array (Alex Lilo); Gravity Assist (spacecraft trajectories Alex Lilo); Great Adventure (theme park Alex Lilo); Great America; Great Arsehole; Green Alliance (London, UK Alex Lilo); Green Armour (Quake Alex Lilo); Green Arrow (comics character Alex Lilo); Grey's Anatomy (TV show Alex Lilo); Gridiron Australia (Alex Lilo); Ground Antenna (Alex Lilo); Group Address; Group Assignment; Growth Accelerated; Guano Apes (band Alex Lilo); Guarantee Agency (Alex Lilo); Guardian Angel (Alex Lilo); Guest Advisor (Alex Lilo); Guichet Automatique (Alex Lilo); Gun-Assembled (Alex Lilo); Gund Arena (Cleveland Alex Lilo); Irish (Gaelic)
abrev., agric. gastric analysis; gibberellic acid
abrev., armas. a nerve agent; General arrangement; General Atomics; Tabun, O-ethyl-N, N-dimethylphosphoramidocyanidate; tabun (a nerve agent)
abrev., avia. general aviation (MichaelBurov); general purpose aviation (MichaelBurov); GPA (MichaelBurov); gliding angle; go-around; ground attack
abrev., cienc. gabbro
abrev., com. general arrangement
abrev., constr. General Arrangement (Общая компоновка Altuntash)
abrev., construcc. General arrangement drawing (Val_Ships)
abrev., contr. gas
abrev., electr. gain adjustment; gate amplifier; germanium alloy; gimbal assembly; global array; graphics attachment; green amplifier
abrev., escoc. Georgia (US state); Gun Assembly; Tabun (Ethyl-dimethylamido-phosphorcyanidate //Chemical warfare nerve agent)
abrev., fin. Gaelic
abrev., fisiol. General Anesthesia
abrev., genét. Genome Analyzer (Altuntash); Golgi apparatus
abrev., inf. go-ahead
abrev., ingl.brit. Garrison Adjutant
abrev., IT general availability (Bricker)
abrev., jueg. Gamblers Anonymous (a twelve-step program for people who have a gambling problem Val_Ships)
abrev., med. G Protein Subunit Alpha Complex; Gastric Analysis; General Appearance; Gastric Antrum; Gentisic Acid; Germ-cell Antigen; Gibberellic Acid; Glucuronic Acid; general anesthesia (MichaelBurov); general anaesthesia (MichaelBurov)
abrev., mil. Gain (antenna gain); Generic Algorithm; Genetic Algorithm; ground-to-air; tabun (Киселев); geospatial analyst; Tabun, a nerve agent
abrev., minería Gypsum Association
abrev., náut. General Average
abrev., oncol. General Anesthetic
abrev., petról. Gas Association; gelling agents
abrev., polít. Gambia
abrev., sajal. government affairs (Sakhalin Energy)
abrev., segur. general average
abrev., softw. general availability (Software release life cycle Artjaazz)
industr. grounding analysis; graphical approach
mil. general accounting; general alert; general assembly; government agency; grant aid; graze action; ground alert
tec. gage man; gallons of acid; gate; give answer; go ahead; grapple adapter; group on audio and electronics; guidance amplifier; gyro assembly
Ga abbr.
abrev. billion years before present; Galileum criterion; Gynoecium; gallium
abrev., cienc. Galileo number
abrev., electr. gain of antenna
abrev., petról. garnet; galena; gangue
cartogr. Georgia
geocr. giga annum (MichaelBurov); gigaannum (MichaelBurov); gigayear (MichaelBurov)
tec. gley; grain; grate area; green; group; specific gravity
tec., abrev. Gallium
ga abbr.
abrev. general aviation
abrev., petról. gauging; glacial
avia. glide angle
minería gasoline
polím. gauge
GA-61-011d в пом. M 2: 8 a las frases, 1 temas