
Términos sobre el tema Farmacia y farmacología que contienen проходной | todas las formas | sólo coincidencias exactas
проходной автоклавdouble ended autoclave (Double ended or pass-through autoclaves are a special type of steam sterilizer typically used in high-containment laboratories dealing with dangerous pathogens and microorganisms, where a containment area and/or ‘clean room' are completely separated. Wakeful dormouse)
проходной автоклавpass-through autoclave (Because a pass-through autoclave needs to be accessed from both sides it may also be referred to as a double door autoclave depending on its final design, installation and operation. Wakeful dormouse)
проходной и непроходной калибрыgo/no gauges ("да/нет"-калибровка ProtoMolecule)