
Términos sobre el tema Distribución de energía que contienen пиковая нагрузка | todas las formas | sólo en el orden indicado
снизить потребление электроэнергии в часы пиковой нагрузкиtake the peak strain off the power grid (In effect, BC Hydro would charge five cents less per kilowatt-hour for any power used in the overnight hours — 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. — and five cents more for what is used during peak hours — from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. The idea is to take the peak strain off the power grid, take advantage of cheaper times to produce and transmit electricity, and allow customers who are able to charge their car or use appliances like a dishwasher or laundry overnight to save money. reddit.com ART Vancouver)