
Términos sobre el tema Negocio que contienen 总的 | todas las formas | sólo en el orden indicado
上司总是对的boss is always right
以按类别计算的总成本或总市价低者为准lower of total cost or total market by group
使用总量过半的消费者heavy-half user
关贸总协定的协定条款GATT Articles of Agreement
占国民生产总值的百分比as percentage of gross national product
占已生效和未生效开发信贷总额的百分比percentage of total effective and noneffective development credit
占未偿还总额的百分比percentage of the total outstanding
可能达到的国民生产总值potential gross national product
可计算的总体平衡模型computable general equilibrium model
国民生产总值的估计estimation of GNP
国民生产总值的支出expenditure on gross national product
工业总产值的生产费用production expenses of gross industrial output
已拨款债务占国民生产总值的…%disbursed debt as a... % of GNP
总体经济的经济计量模式economy-wide econometric model
总店账上的分店费用branch expenses on home office books
总店账上的分店费用branch expense on home office book
总的动态overall dynamics
总的同类故障total generic failure
总的工作流程general work flow
总的最高限额global ceiling
总的联机生产系统total online production system
总的说来in balance
承保业务的净保费总收入gross net written premium income
抽样平均数对于总平均数的离差deviation of sampling average from general average
拆散出售的资产总值breakup value
按上年单位成本计算的总成本total cost per prior year's unit cost
按人口计算的总产值per capita gross product
按固定价格计算的国民生产总值at constant prices
按固定价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at constant price
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值at market prices
按市场价格计算的国民生产总值gross national product at market price
按要素成本计算的国内生产总值gross domestic product at factor cost
按要素成本计算的国民生产总值at factor costs
按要素成本计算的国民生产总值gross national product at factor cost
按计划单位成本计算的总成本total cost per planned unit cost
未来销售额总和的折现值discounted sum of future sales
概括的总额估算global lump-sun estimate
每百元工业总产值占用的流动资金current fund employed per 100 yuan of gross industrial output
由总店记账的分支机构业务活动branch records on home office books
系统的总合评价combined assessment of system
绝对值总体中的最小值minimization of the sum of absolute values
调整的国民生产总值adjusted GNP (gross national product)
负债总额与净值的利润率profit ratio of total liabilities and net worth
达到故障的总时间total time to obtain failure
非工业总产值的生产费用production expenses of gross nonindustrial output