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génér. beach mat; coating
aviat. coaltitude
industr. layer
phys. shell
techn. film; skin; wash
énergie;industr. storage horizon; storage zone
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capa f
génér. beach mat; coating; cape; manta
agric. cap
agric., industr. wrapper
aviat. coaltitude
charb. seam; bed
constr. coat; course
emball. felt insert; felt cushion; felt ply; lagging; insulating layer; ply (of paper); lamination; laminating sheet; film; fitting
industr. layer
industr., constr. layer of plywood
médic. layer (stratum); coat (tunica); tunic (tunica)
ondes;antenn. junction
phys. shell
relig., industr. cappa magna; cope
techn. film (como la que forma el aceite); skin; wash
transp. stratum; layer
transp., industr. ply
téléc. level
énergie;industr. storage horizon; storage zone
disposición en capa f
câbl. flat formation
capa N f
informat. N-layer
capa de un título f
financ. mantle
capas f
techn. plies
capa v
génér. blanket
capó v
génér. cowl
transp. overturning; bonnet of boat engine; cowlings; cowling
capar v
soins. alter; castrate; neuter; to emasculate
météor. Convective Available Potential Energy
capado v
sciences., agric. castrate
capa de relleno: 2 phrases, 1 sujets