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Gruzovik wear out (impf of износить)
génér. wear down (ся); wear out (ся); fret; fretting; weir; rub off; consume (Marta Kohler); fray; wear; tatter; outwear; stale; overwear (одежду); wear down; chafe (трением); maul; weather; wear down (одежду — This phrase is often used to describe clothing that has experienced wear and tear over time, resulting in a loss of quality, appearance, or function. This can be due to regular use, frequent washing, or exposure to harsh conditions. You might also hear similar expressions like "worn out" or "showing signs of wear" to describe the same phenomenon. vogeler)
argot. use up (Don't use up this book only. == Только читай эту книгу аккуратно.; Don't use up the soap! == He трать всё мыло, оставь мне!; I used up all my money to see this live. == Я потратил свои последние деньги, чтобы сходить на этот концерт.); wear out (He's worn his jeans out, so it can't be mended. == Он так износил свои джинсы, что их у же невозможно было починить.)
armes. erode (канал ствола ABelonogov)
autom. wear off; deteriorate; tear
cuir. buff away; frazzle
industr. wear (-ся)
makar. chafe; damage; scuff; wear a surface flat (шину, подошвы и т. п.); wear out
naut. abrase
pétr. abrade
sylv. age (impf of износиться)
techn. grind; wear away; erode
véhic. tear out; use up
изнашиваться v
Gruzovik wear out (impf of износиться)
génér. frazzle (до дыр); tear; fray; wear; stale; get on (Юрий Гомон); see service; fret; fretting; weir; rub off
agric. wear down
autom. tear out
constr. rub; wear off; chafe (от перетирания)
cuir. frazzle
emball. wear (away)
forag. wear off (о долоте)
Gruzovik, figur. be played out (impf of износиться); be used up (impf of износиться); age prematurely (impf of износиться)
inform. be getting on (Alex Lilo)
makar. give out; wear out; wear thin; be worn down; chafe; fray (напр., о мебельной ткани); give; run out; scuff; use up
naut. abrade; abrase
pétr. wear away; outwear
sylv. batter; age
techn. deteriorate; depreciate; erode
transp. buff away; bed down
véhic. waste
électr. damage
équip. degrade (напр., о детали)
изнашивающий prtc.
chim. outwearing
ingén. wearing (...as a function of the ratio of the hardness of the material of the component to the hardness of a wearing body – как функция отношения твердости материала компонента к твердости вызывающего износ тела Svetozar)
makar. tearing
transp. abrasive
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