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PEC ncontraintes
électr. фоторезистор; фототранзистор; электровакуумный фотоэлемент
pec n
sports. пекторальная мышца
vulg. грудь
PECS [peks] abbr.
abrév. коммуникационная система обмена изображениями (Picture Exchange Communication System semenozhka)
métall. ИПС (pulsed electric current sintering; искровое плазменное спекание MichaelBurov)
pecs [peks] n
vulg. грудь
Pec n
géogr. г. Печ (Социалистическая республика Сербия, Югославия)
PEC abbr.
abrév. Инженерно-технический комитет Пакистана (Pakistan Engineering Council Alltrier)
aviat. Привилегированный эконом-класс (Preferred Economy Class Mukhatdinov)
chim. расчётная концентрация воздействия (Predicted Exposure Concentrations Eurochem); фотоэлектрохимическое травление (photo-electro-chemical etching YKV); полиэфиркарбонат (Yuriy83)
Gruzovik, scient. фотоэлемент (photo-electric cell)
pharm. Центр фармакоэкономических исследований (PharmacoEconomic Center (США) Мадам Вошкина)
pétr. проводник защитного заземления
sakh. главный подряд на проектирование (Principal Engineering Contract)
téléc. Плата с электросхемой (Panel Electronic Circuit eugeene1979)
élect. УИК (MichaelBurov); участок (MichaelBurov)
électr. фотогальванический элемент
Игорь Миг, élect. участковая избирательная комиссия
 Anglais glossaire
PEC abbr.
abrév. President's Export Council; Professional Education Conference; Professional Educational Conference; Pacific Command Electronic Intelligence Center; Pennsylvania Electric Company; photoelectrochemical cell; Platform Electronic Cards; Potomac Edison Company; Program Execution Control (IBM, OS/2); Protestant Episcopal Church; plant expected capability; potential energy consumption; Preferred Equity Certificate (Lavrov)
abrév., autom. power electronic converter (translator911)
abrév., aviat. Pelican, Alaska USA; Project Execution Checklist
abrév., biot. Peritoneal exudate cell (Altuntash)
abrév., défens. plot extractor/ combiner; photoelectric
abrév., envir. Primary Environmental Care; predicted environmental concentration
abrév., immun. peritoneal exudate cells
abrév., informat. packaged electronic circuit
abrév., ingén. post-emergency conditions
abrév., lexiq. Personal Embroidery Card
abrév., marq. Pacific Eye Clinic
abrév., milit. Platform Evaluation Confidence
abrév., milit., aviat. Pacific East Asia Cargo Airlines
abrév., médic. Peritoneal Exudate Cell; Peritoneal Exudate Cells; Perivascular Epithelioid Cell; Pulmonary Ejection Click; Parallel Elastic Component
abrév., métall. pushing emission control (masizonenko)
abrév., polit. Partido Estat Catala
abrév., polym. photoelectric cell; 1-phenylethyl chloride
abrév., pétr. parallel earthing conductor
abrév., relig. Pentecostal European Conference
abrév., réseaux., informat. Peripheral Event Controller
abrév., sakh. Primary Engineering Contractor; Principal Engineering Contract
abrév., semi-c. photoelectrochemical
abrév., écol. predicted environmental concentrations (Земцова Н.); Predicted Exposure Concentration (Clint Ruin)
abrév., écoss. Printed Electronic Circuits
abrév., éduc., scient. Post Education Consortium
abrév., élect. ballot commission (MichaelBurov); polling site commission (MichaelBurov); polling station commission (MichaelBurov); precinct (MichaelBurov); precinct electoral commission (MichaelBurov); PSC (MichaelBurov); precinct election commission (MichaelBurov)
abrév., électr. Perfect Electric Conductor (semfromshire); process evaluation and control; peak electrode current; physics, engineering and chemistry; platform electronic card; position error correction; program environment control; proximity effect correction; proximity exposure compensation; pure empty cell
abrév., électr., scient. Perfect Electric Conductor plate
milit. plant equipment code; production equipment code; program element code
pétr. protection earthing conductor
techn. chlorinated polyethylene; photo electrochemical cell; polyelectrolyte complex
énergie;industr. passive engineering control
pec n
chim. Predicted Effect Concentration (TM1)
pecs [peks] n
psych. Picture Exchange Communication System (Elmitera)
PEC abbr.
abrév. Period End Closing (Winters00n); Peripheral Equipment Corp.; Philadelphia Electric Co.; photo-electric cell; Precision Electronic Components, Ltd.
abrév., entr. piece; price fall clause
abrév., espac. personal equipment connector; pressure error correction
abrév., informat. privacy-enhancing computation (eugeene1979)
abrév., naut. Pilotage Exemption Certificate (ixtra)
abrév., pétr. perfectly electronical conductor; petroleum exporting countries; polyelectrolyte complexes; polyethylene coated; polyethylene coating; predicted environment concentration; primary energy consumption; pulsed eddy current
abrév., sciences. pan evaporation coefficient; pitot error correction; Program Environment al Control
abrév., techn. photo electric cell; printed electronic circuit; program exception code
PEC: 7 phrases, 4 sujets