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CCT abbr.
abrév. Cam Chain Tensioner; Certificato di Credito del Tesoro; China Coast Time; Crystal City Talkers Toastmasters Club; China Coast Time-8:00; Combat Coordination Team; Common Community Tariff; Continuous Cooling Transformation; Coordinating Committee for Telecommunications
abrév., angl. command cadet team; covered carriage truck
abrév., astr. Computer-compatible tape
abrév., autom. computer controlled timing
abrév., aviat. Colonia Catriel, Rn, Argentina; configuration change team; customer core team; circle cutting; cockpit control transducer; comparator chart-tooling; cumulative cycle time; cut coil and tie system; comparator
abrév., bours. Compulsory Competitive Tendering
abrév., comm. customer central team (Метран)
abrév., entr. Certificate of Authenticity Tabacco; coated compressed tablet; Common Customs Tariff (EEC); cubic capacity tonnage
abrév., envir. Clean Coal Technologies
abrév., espac. control central tracking
abrév., essai cl. Comparative Clinical Trial (Фьялар)
abrév., extens. Shockwave cast (Macromedia Director)
abrév., financ. conditional cash transfer; common customs tariff
abrév., géol., scient. Critical Crevice Temperature
abrév., immun. Comparative Cervical Test (Alexander Oshis)
abrév., informat. Shockwave cast; Cognitive Complexity Theory
abrév., information;trait. computer-compatible tape
abrév., ingén. capacitively coupled transducer; constant current transformer
abrév., marq. Chicago Community Trust
abrév., milit. Combat Challenge Team; Consolidated Change Tables; Combat Crew Tactical (e.g., laser aimer); collaborative contingency targeting
abrév., milit., aviat. channel check test
abrév., médias. Clearfield Community Theatre
abrév., médic. Congenital Cardiology Today (Previously: PCT: Pediatric Cardiology Today); critical care transport (alex); central corneal thickness; chest computed tomography; circuit class therapy (ННатальЯ); craniocerebral trauma (Andrey Truhachev); cerebral computed tomography; chocolate-covered tablet; composite cyclic therapy; compressed-coated tablet
abrév., métall. critical crack-corrosion temperature; controlled cooling technology; controlled cooling temperature
abrév., opht. central corneal thickness (iwona)
abrév., organisation;nom de l. Culture Change Team
abrév., phys., scient. Convergent Clock Trace; Correlated Color Temperature
abrév., pétr. cable cabinet tray; calibration coefficients temperature; chartless custody transfer; center cracked tension; Clear Coal Technology (programme); closed chamber test; complex coordination test; composite coiled tubing; computer compatible tape; concentric-coiled tubing; contact charge-transfer; contract controlled time; current to current transformer
abrév., sciences. common customs tariff of the common market; Consultative Committee for Thermometry
abrév., semi-c. constant current topographic
abrév., transp. Central California Traction Company; Covered Car Transporter; Covered Carriage Truck
abrév., écon. GZT
abrév., écoss. Cargo Compartment Trainer; Combat Crew Trainer
abrév., éduc. Certificate of Completion of Training (iwona)
abrév., électr. call circuit tester; capacitively coupled transistor; capacitor coupling technology; C-band communications transponder; central computer and telecommunications; channel-collector transistor; character class table; clock cycle time; cold cathode transistor; common-collector transistor; computer confidence timer; computer controlled teletext; computerized color thermograph; conductivity controlled transistor; constant chip temperature; control center tracking; continuity check transceiver; crystal cutting technique; current-to-current transformer
milit. combat capability test; combat control team; combat crew training; communications control team
techn. chief communications technician; crystal-controlled transmitter
énergie;industr. clean coal technology
cct abbr.
abrév. circuit; computer compatible table
abrév., techn. constant-current transformer
médic. Central Corneal Thickness (центральная толщина роговицы VladimirFlake)
polym. correct
cct. abbr.
abrév., techn. circuit