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Termes contenant get ducks in a row | Toutes les formes
inform., non st.get one's ducks in a rowпорешать все вопросы (4uzhoj)
idiom., amér.get one's ducks in a rowпривести в порядок свои дела (I'm trying to get my ducks in a row before I go to Europe. • County Board Chairman Jeff Bohm said officials will still apply "for every grant on this side of the Mississippi, too," but added getting all those financial ducks in a row might take a while.)
idiom., amér.get one's ducks in a rowнавести порядок в делах (The company's owner has given his managers a few days to get their ducks in a row. Olga Fomicheva)
idiom., amér.get one's ducks in a rowорганизовать (Tanya Gesse)
idiom., amér.get one's ducks in a rowприводить дела в порядок (Toblerone)
idiom., amér.get one's ducks in a row or lined upпроработать факты, детали до начала какого-либо проекта (Сев. Амер. Kovrigin)
idiom., amér.get one's ducks in a rowнавести порядок в своих делах (mykhailo)
idiom., amér.get one's ducks in a rowчётко всё распланировать (В.И.Макаров)
idiom., amér.get one's ducks in a rowподготовиться (The Fairbanks area mostly has its ducks in a row as commercial marijuana permitting is set to begin early next year. mykhailo)
idiom., amér.get one's ducks in a rowпривести всё в порядок (We wanted to have our ducks in a row before we started publicizing the project.)
makar.get one's ducks in a rowрасставить кегли перед первым ударом шара
génér.get my ducks in a rowподготовиться (Elmitera)
idiom.get your ducks in a rowхорошо подготовиться (We need to get our ducks in a row if we want our project to succeed. Interex)
idiom.have/get your ducks in a rowвсё в порядке (в ажуре, всё тип-топ; Who are you to tell me what to do with my life? Is your own life amazing? Do you have all your ducks in a row? Sebastijana)