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по сути
 по сути
заг. inherently; technically; effectively; to all practical purposes; to the point; substantial
амер. at the heart of; at its core
| они
заг. they
| не сделали
 не сделать
заг. fail
| ничего
вульг. jackshit

до фраз
по сутинаголоси
заг. inherently (Alex_Odeychuk); technically (Ivan Pisarev); effectively (дела: Georgia has accused Russia of violating international law after it erected new “border” markings in the disputed South Ossetia region, effectively seizing part of a BP-operated oil pipeline in the process. theguardian.com bookworm); to all practical purposes (Anglophile); to the point (по существу, по делу Stas-Soleil); substantial; in practice; in other respects (with his brother Mull, in other respects a good and able man – со своим братом Муллом, по сути умелым и способным мужем Сынковский); for substantive reasons (tfennell); in substance; in all but name (mosq); in point of fact; in actual fact; by definition (Taras); behind the scenes (в некоторых контекстах, напр., – Behind the scenes, this is a set of six separate reports vlad-and-slav); in particular (Sergei Aprelikov); in a nutshell (A.Rezvov); at bottom (At bottom he was really a decent fellow – По сути он неплохой человек Taras); in itself (It was not in itself bad – Само по себе это было не так уж плохо Taras); in principle (I. Havkin); as such (alemaster); as a matter of fact (Taras); in reality (Taras); in effect (Taras); organically (Perhaps he was organically of that cheerful and easy nature, which is content to enjoy the present, and not brood over the past – Наверное, он по сути своей был из той породы людей, которые радуются настоящему и не тяготятся прошлым Taras); below the surface (Taras); in fact (Taras); ultimately (cognachennessy); actually (tavost); substantially (Alexander Matytsin); virtually (in essence, but not in fact: He virtually admitted he was guilty. Lavrov); inherently (There is nothing inherently improbable in this tradition – По сути в этой традиции нет ничего невероятного Taras); basically (Alexander Matytsin); intrinsically; technically (в некоторых контекстах: If you think about Antarctica, it's technically a desert 4uzhoj); looks about (it looks about the same akimboesenko); really (there wasn't really cargo space to set up any kind of functioning shop Побеdа); pretty much (I've pretty much finished here vogeler); essentially (youtube.com Butterfly812)
амер. at the heart of (Val_Ships); at its core (Val_Ships); fundamentally (Val_Ships)
бізн. per se
дип. in essence (дела)
Макаров at the bottom
науков. pertinently (A.Rezvov)
розм. all but (VLZ_58)
юр. essentially (Leonid Dzhepko); in sum and substance
ідіом. at its heart (The novel is, at its heart, a story of courage and perseverance. ludwig.guru privetkrasa)
по сути: 117 фраз в 25 тематиках
Американський вираз не написання1
Банки та банківська справа1
Військовий термін1
Господарське право1
Загальна лексика60
Ідіоматичний вираз, фразеологізм2
Латинська мова1
Науковий термін3
Нотаріальна практика1
Офіційний стиль1
Цитати, афоризми та крилаті вирази2
Юридична лексика8