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до фраз
в общих чертахнаголоси
заг. basics (sever_korrespondent); in outline (What, in outline, are the principal advantages of companies formed in Cyprus?); in general terms; in bare outlines; in broad lines (Anglophile); a rough idea about (triumfov); broadly speaking; generally speaking; without going into details (Anglophile); in general; in broad terms (shergilov); with the general characteristics (tfennell); in all probability (yo); broad-brush (Alexander Demidov); in broad brush strokes (In broad brushstrokes, that's the big question the latest site-specific production from art and theatre company Dreamthinkspeak is asking. Alexander Demidov); in broad brushstrokes (The volume covers a great deal of important ground for anyone who wishes to discern in broad brushstrokes the multiple facets of continental philosophy today. Alexander Demidov); broadly (Stas-Soleil); on the broad outlines (freelance_trans); roughly speaking (ellington); in broad summary (freelance_trans); in broad strokes (Grudiy); in basic terms (sheetikoff); in a general way; at a high level (vlad-and-slav); vaguely (напр., о наблюдении чего-либо A.Rezvov)
Gruzovik in generalities
Игорь Миг in a loose sense; in the main; on the whole
амер. more or less (We more or less agree on the substance of the letter. Val_Ships)
архіт. in broad outline
дип. broad
ек. sketchily (A.Rezvov)
Макаров in general outline; in a few words; loosely; roughly
мат. at large; on general lines; generally
мед. at a glance (bigmaxus)
ритор. in a general context (Alex_Odeychuk)
ідіом. in a nutshell (ART Vancouver)
в общих чертах: 145 фраз в 20 тематиках
Британський вираз не написання1
Буквальне значення1
Військовий термін5
Дорожня справа1
Загальна лексика48
Засоби масової інформації12
Ідіоматичний вираз, фразеологізм3
Науковий термін6
Нафта і газ1
Розмовна лексика1