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до фраз
а я здесь при чём?наголоси
какое отношение это имеет ко мне?; почём мне знать?
заг. where do I come into the matter?; what have I to do with it?; where do I fit in?; how is this my fault?; what has it got to do with me?; what does it have to do with me?; what do I have to do with it?; what do I have to do with this? (Alex Lilo)
кліше what's it got to do with me? (ART Vancouver)
розм. how is this my department?; what does this have to do with me? (TranslationHelp)
А я здесь при чем?
заг. What do I have to do with this? (Alex Lilo); What does this have to do with me? (Alex Lilo); How is that my problem? How is that my problem? (Alex Lilo); How is this my department? (Alex Lilo); How is that my problem? (Alex Lilo); How is this my problem? (Alex Lilo); What do I have to do with it? (Alex Lilo)
а я здесь при чём: 2 фрази в 1 тематиці
Загальна лексика2