
Google | Forvo | +
буд. de contreventement; d'entretoise; espacement
мат. distance euclidienne; distance
мед. interpédiculaire
трансп. пром. буд. écartement
| in
весл. "en bateau!"
| error
зубч.перед. erreur
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(у деяких значень з тезауруса може не бути перекладів в двомовному словнику)

іменник | прикметник | до фраз
distance ['dɪst(ə)ns] імен.
буд. de contreventement; d'entretoise m; espacement m
мат. distance euclidienne
хім. intervalle m; interstice m
distance ['dɪst(ə)ns] прикм.
мат. distance
мед. interpédiculaire
трансп., пром., буд. écartement
 Англійський тезаурус
distance ['dɪst(ə)ns] скор.
абрев., полім. d.
військ., абрев. dis; dist; dstc
військ., логіст. Absorption distance: minimum distance between two vehicles which are following one another. Given in meters, it is about two times the speed in kilometres per hour. 2. Security distance: distance between two vehicles which are following one another, determined by the commander according to tactical necessities. On the move, it cannot be smaller than the absorption distance. When stopped, vehicles maintain the same distance, except otherwise ordered. (FRA)
літ. Sometimes referred to as 'aesthetic distance', distance is a phrase used to suggest the detachment from the subject-matter with which either the writer or the reader views a piece of literature. This effect is created through use of tone, diction, and presentation.
distance in error: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці