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ACS імен.
трансп. Automobile Club Svizzero
ACS скор.
заг. ACS; ASC
мед. Associazione Svizzera dei Chiropratici
 Англійський тезаурус
Ac [ə] скор.
абрев. alto-cumulus
абрев., землезн. acmite; acrylonitrile
абрев., мет. arrest point on chauffage (heating)
абрев., нафт. acreage; actinolite
хім. acylate (Углов)
Ac. скор.
абрев. acetone; acetyl
AC [ə] скор.
абрев., адмін.пр. administrative code (igisheva)
Ac. скор.
абрев., землезн. academy
AC [ə] скор.
абрев., кондиц. air conditioner (Val_Ships)
абрев., прогр. address calculation (ssn); allocation class (ssn)
абрев., рекл. advertising campaign (Mrs_Andromeda)
Ac. скор.
абрев., хім. acetate; acyl; alicyclic
AC [ə] скор.
абрев., юр., автор. author's certificate (igisheva)
acs скор.
абрев. access; armoured cars
ACS скор.
абрев. Administration For Children's Services; Advanced Camera For Surveys; acoustic control system (акустическая управляющая система Углов); Active Character Select; Adder Comparator Selector; Air Craft Spruce; air-conditioning system (система кондиционирования воздуха Углов); American Camellia Society (Американское общество любителей и селекционеров камелий Углов); American Carnation Society (Американское общество любителей и селекционеров (садовой) (красной) гвоздики Углов); Association of Clinical Scientists (Ассоциация учёных, работающих в медицинских клиниках (США) Углов); accumulator switch; alternating current synchronous; advanced communications system; Average Combined Score (ННатальЯ); Admiralty Computing Service; Alaska communication system; Applied Computer Sciences Ltd.; Army Communication Service; acrylonitrile-chlorinated polyethylene-styrene terpolymer; alarm and control system; Agricultural Cooperative Society; agricultural co-operative societies
абрев., IT Alternate Character Set; Australian Computer Society; alphameric character set ((сокр.) набор [комплект] буквенно-цифровых символов Углов); access control store; addition, comparison and selection (сокр.) суммирование, сравнение и селекция (выборка Углов); advanced calling service; advanced chipset setup; advanced communication service; advanced communication system; advanced connectivity system; ant colony system; automatic class selection; autoimmune computer systems; Advanced Communications Services
абрев., авто. altitude compensation stopper; analogue computer system; aneroid compensating stopper
абрев., авто., назв.орг. Automobile Club of Switzerland
абрев., автомат. active control station ((сокр.) активная контрольная (управляющая) станция Углов)
абрев., авіац. anti-collision system; Accountable Source Software; air conditioning system; aircraft control and surveillance; audio control system; auto chart system; automated communications set; alternating current supply; automatic dispatch system; ACESS configuration system; accessory control specification; acquisition control system; active cancellation system; activity control system; advanced computer services; aerodrome control service; aft crew section; air combat simulator; air cycle system; airborne command system; airborne communication system; airborne control system; aircraft call signal; aircraft communication system; aircraft control system; airplane configuration system; armament control set; assembly control sheet; associate contractor support; audio communication system; authority configuration system; automated cartography system; automatic channel selection; automatic check checkout system; auxiliary core storage; avionics cooling system
абрев., бр.англ. Admiral Commanding, Submarines; Army Canteen Service
абрев., бізн. airline charter service
абрев., біол. antireticular cytotoxic serum (антиретикулярная цитотоксическая сыворотка Углов)
абрев., бірж. Affiliated Computer Services, Inc.
абрев., вет., мед. American Cocker Spaniel
абрев., вист. automated commercial system
абрев., військ. Aerial Common Sensor; AEGIS Combat System; agile combat support; air-capable ship; airspace control system; auxiliary crane ship; armored cavalry squadron; AUTODIN Switching Center; Aeronautical Chart Service; Alaskan Communications Service; Army Camouflage School; Army Communications Service; Army Community Service; Army Council Secretariat; Assistant Chief of Staff; armored cavalry squadrons
абрев., військ., авіац. airborne warning and control system; airplane position and attitude camera system
абрев., військ., бр.англ. airfield construction squadron
абрев., військ., ЗМУ Agent collection system; analytical concentration system; air contamination sources
абрев., військ., ППО active communication satellite; airborne COMINT system; airborne common sensor; automated control systems
абрев., ел. access control server; accounting control system; active communications satellite; address control shift register; admission control service; advanced cabling system; advanced charging system; advanced communications satellite; advanced communications sub system; Advanced Crystal Sciences, Inc.; air communications service; alarm call service; all channel signaling; Apollo command system; area communication system; ARPA calibration satellite; associated channel signaling; atmosphere correction system for lens; atmospheric compensation system; automatic call sender; automatic compensation system; automatic constraint synthesis; Asia cellular satellite; automatic call sequencer
абрев., ел., науков. Adjacent Channel Selectivity
абрев., ел.тех. automatic contingency selection
абрев., електр. aluminum clad steel (Walter_)
абрев., енерг. automatic control system (MichaelBurov); above-core structure; auxiliary cooling system (MichaelBurov); auxiliary coolant system (MichaelBurov)
абрев., зв’яз. Automatic Cab Signal system; Axle Counting System
абрев., землезн. acrylonitrile-chlorinate ethylenestyrene; advanced ceramic system; American Ceramic Society; American Chemical Society Committee on Analytical Reagents; atmosphere climate study; Austrian Chemical Society
абрев., зовн.політ. Association of Caribbean States (Доброжеватель)
абрев., карате. active control system
абрев., комп. assembly control systems; auxiliary control station
абрев., комп., мереж. Asynchronous Communications Server; automated cartridge system
абрев., косм. adaptive computer system; area control station; American communications satellite; associated computer system; attitude command system; attitude control system; automatic coding system
абрев., космон. aeroflight control system (сокр.) система управления в воздушном полёте (МВКА Углов); aeroflight control system; Alcantara Cyclone Space (semfromshire)
абрев., крипт. access control services
абрев., кіно Australian Society of Cinematographers
абрев., логіст. Alameda Corridor Surcharge
абрев., ліс. angle-count method
абрев., мед. Acrocallosal Syndrome; Acute Coronary Syndrome; Acute Coronary Syndromes (periodical); Association Des Cadres De Santé; abdominal compartment syndrome (абдоминальный компартмент-синдром Dimpassy); acute clinical syndrome (Игорь_2006); acute coronary syndrome (острый коронарный синдром Dimpassy); Acute Compartment Syndrome (chistochel); acrocephalosyndactyly; Ambulatory Care Service; American Cancer Society; American College of Surgeons; anticytotoxic serum; arteria colica sinistra
абрев., мед.тех. Advanced Computational System (Siemens harser)
абрев., назв.лік. antenatal corticosteroids (iwona)
абрев., нафт. anionic-cationic surfactant; accumulator switches; acrylonitrile-chlorinated ethylene-styrene (copolymer); advanced cartographic system; affinity communications space; alignment countdown set; Americal Chemical Society; American Corrosion Services; applied computer science; assembly control system; asynchronous communication server; Atlantic continental shelf; Australian Chemical Society; automatic cutting sampler
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал.а. antiscale control system; authorisation for construction services
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал.р. Authorization for Construction Services
абрев., опт. atmospheric calibration sensor
абрев., осв., науков. American College Of Sofia
абрев., пласт. acrylonitrile-chlorinated polyethylene-styrene; acrylonitrile-chlorinated polyethylene-styrene copolymer; acrylonitrile-chlorinated-polyethylene-styrene copolymer; thermoplastic blend of a copolymer from acrylonitrile and styrene with chlorinated polyethylene
абрев., пошт. Address Change Service (Interex)
абрев., радіо, науков. Auxiliary Communications Service
абрев., робот. autonomous control system (qwarty)
абрев., розшир.ф. Access Control Set; Advanced Computer System (IBM)
абрев., с/г. absorption capacity of soil
абрев., сист.безп. access control software; access control system
абрев., сист.безп., IT Access Control System
абрев., страх. Associate, Customer Service
абрев., суднобуд. American Canal Society
абрев., т.м Affiliated Computer Services
абрев., текстиль. Associate in Commercial Science
абрев., тех. Automated Completion System (Yerkwantai); alternate core spray (MichaelBurov)
абрев., фізіол. AntiCholinergic Syndrome
абрев., харч. automatic cleaning system (Venita)
абрев., хім. American Chemical Society (Natalya Rovina)
абрев., хінді assistant customs superintendant (inn)
абрев., шотл.вир. type abbreviation Auxiliary Crane Ship; Adaptive Computer Systems; Advanced Communications Systems Inc. (USA); Air Commando Squadron (USAF)
військ., абрев. Alaskan communications system; Army calibration system; adaptive control system; advanced cryptographic system; afloat correlation system; air capable ship; air cavalry squadron; aircraft communications system; airman classification squadron; alphanumeric communications system; analog computer system; analysis computer system; armament control system; armored cars; artillery computer system; audio communications system; automated cartographic system; automated control system; automatic checkout system; automatic control system; azimuth control system
енерг., абрев. above core structure
комп., абрев. add-compare-select unit; ancillary communication service
тех., абрев. Alaska communications system; addition, comparison and selection operations; advanced communications service; alpha numeric character set; alternate core spray; alternating-gradient synchrotron; anticlutter system; arithmetic and control section; atmosphere control system; attack center switchboard; attitude control and stabilization; attitude control sensor; automatic cartographic system; automatic counter system; auxiliary coolant system
ACs скор.
абрев. Agreed Characteristics
Acs скор.
абрев. author's corrections
acs: 7 фраз в 1 тематиці