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Internet access provider
ек. fornitore di accesso a Internet
зв’яз., IT fornitore di accessi Internet; fornitore di connessione a Internet; fornitore d'accesso a Internet
зв’яз., IT, англ. Internet access provider
 Англійський тезаурус
Internet access provider
комп., Майкр. failed (A business that supplies Internet connectivity services to individuals, businesses, and other organizations. An ISP provides a telephone number, a user name, a password, and other connection information so that users can access the Internet through the ISP's computers)
Internet Access Provider
абрев., зв’яз. IAP
IT, абрев. IAP (Internet)
Internet access provider A business that supplies Internet connectivity services to individuals, businesses, and other organizations. An ISP provides a telephone number, a user name, a password, and other connection information so that users can access the Internet through the ISP's computers
абрев., комп., Майкр. failed