
Терміни за тематикою Приказка що містять mistake | усі форми
live long enough — and everyone makes mistakesвек живи – век учись (KiriX)
live long enough — and everyone makes mistakesвек живи, век учись (KiriX)
mistakes happenот ошибок никто не застрахован (Staff at a Value Village in Vancouver found $85,000 in a donated bag and with the help of police tracked down its rightful owner and returned it. Store manager Jeffrey Stonehouse thought at first the envelopes inside contained receipts, but when staff opened them, bills poured out. Banking records mixed in with the cash contained a woman's name, and officers with the Vancouver Police Department were able to track her down within a day. "We've saved some marriages through the years," Stonehouse laughed. "Wedding dresses, prized jewellery, valuable family photos. Mistakes happen." dailyhive.com ART Vancouver)
only fools learn from their mistakes, the wise man learns from the mistakes of othersтолько дураки учатся на своих ошибках, умный учится на чужих (англ. перевод взят из: Russian New Generation Warfare Handbook Alex_Odeychuk)
only fools learn from their mistakes, the wise man learns from the mistakes of othersтолько дураки учатся на своих ошибках, умный учится на чужих. (Alex_Odeychuk)
only those who do nothing make no mistakesне ошибается тот, кто ничего не делает (Val_Ships)