
Терміни за тематикою Стоматологія що містять by A | усі форми
fault in the enamel surface of a tooth caused by the imperfect joining of the enamel of the different lobesнарушение эмали зубов (Stedman MichaelBurov)
fault in the enamel surface of a tooth caused by the imperfect joining of the enamel of the different lobesнедостаточность эмали зубов (Stedman; Steadman MichaelBurov)
fault in the enamel surface of a tooth caused by the imperfect joining of the enamel of the different lobesэмалевая бороздка (Stedman MichaelBurov)
ulcer on the oral mucous membrane caused by biting or by rubbing against the edge of a broken toothязва языка вследствие хронической травматизации острым краем разрушенного зуба (Steadman's MichaelBurov)
ulcer on the oral mucous membrane caused by biting or by rubbing against the edge of a broken toothязва языка (MichaelBurov)