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Терміни у тематиці Петанк (158 статей)
bowl impact imprint 落地砸的小坑
bowl selection 选择球
bowl through a hoop 掷球过下圈
bowl to a box 掷球入盒
bowl to a hole 掷球入洞
bowl to a point within a zone 掷球至区域内
bowl to a zone 掷球至固定区
bowl to six o'clock 掷球击6点处
bowled delivery 掷滚击球
bowler 掷球者
break the tie 打破均势
calculation of points 分数计算
captain player 队长
centre area 中场区
centre area line 中场区线
centre of valid zone 有效区中央
chain shove 连锁撞击
clock face 练习用钟面
cochonnet 小金属地掷球中的小球
complete uniform 运动服装