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не лаптем щи хлебатьBetonungen
idiom. not to be born yesterday (Taras); not to be just out of the trees ("Мы ведь там у себя (в провинции) тоже не лаптем щи хлебаем. Кое-что сами соображаем" – "You know, even out in the provinces we're not just out of the trees... We're capable of understanding things for ourselves" Taras); be nobody's fool (Taras); be no simpleton (Taras); be no ninny (Taras); be no dimwit (Taras); be no hayseed (Taras); know one's way around (Taras); know which end is up (Taras); know one's stuff (Taras); know the ropes (Taras); know chalk from cheese (Taras); know one's onions (VLZ_58); know enough to get out of the rain (VLZ_58); be around the block (VLZ_58); know an ass from an elbow (VLZ_58); know a thing or two (VLZ_58); no flies on (someone – is not easily tricked; No flies on him Taras)