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Allg. get up steam (Bullfinch); widen (bookworm); gather pace (As the property market and economic downturn gathers pace,... alex); pick up momentum (NYC); kick into gear (Alexey Lebedev); move into top gear (m_rakova); rev into gear (It is certainly not clear, based on only three months of data, that Europe's recession has ended. But it is further evidence that the older engines of growth are revving into gear as the most recent sources of growth have been slowing down. – NYT 4uzhoj); gather momentum (YudinMS); ratchet up (YudinMS); gain steam (Alaska was the only state where the total number of nonfarm jobs and gross domestic product both fell last year, even as the national economic recovery gained steam, according to the most recent federal figures. / NYT podrombom); gather steam (to increase in strength, force, or energy merriam-webster.com Alexander Demidov); be well under way (VLZ_58); pick up the pace (Things are picking up pace. VLZ_58); build momentum (Ася Кудрявцева); catch on in a big way (контекстуальный перевод Bauirjan); gain momentum (New York, London and Paris occupy the top three positions in the survey, but the agency notes a general eastward shift in ranking that is expected to gain momentum rapidly. TMT Alexander Demidov); on the rise (identity theft is on the rise katypotterfes); picks up pace (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk); pick up (Seems like traffic is picking up around the city Mr. Wolf); pick up steam (pick up/build up/gather/steam, phrase: to become more active, important, or full of energy. It looks like the economy is picking up steam again. MED. After the first three months, the fundraising project really started to pick up steam. CALD Alexander Demidov); gain RPMs (The engine was gaining RPMs. 4uzhoj); gain momentum (Ivan Pisarev)
Игорь Миг rev up into high gear; kick into high gear; gain strength; go into overdrive (The rumor mill is going into overdrive on this one); make much headway; take shape; grow in intensity
Bild. Ausdr. be picking up steam (Alex_Odeychuk)
E.öl. spinup
Fin. take off (dimock)
idiom. be onwards and upwards (Eranwen); be alive and kicking (Taras)
IT spin up
Jar. pick up speed
Luftf. build up
Rhet. be gaining traction (Alex_Odeychuk); have been gathering momentum (Los Angeles Times Alex_Odeychuk); be gaining momentum (Alex_Odeychuk)
Schach. gain in impetus (об атаке)
Telekomm. spinned up (oleg.vigodsky)
umg. off and running (After the first episode the new soap opera was off and running. VLZ_58)
übertr. gather speed (Alex_Odeychuk)
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idiom. kick into high gear (As the sharing economy kicks into high gear, more and more Americans will become independent contractors activated at the touch of a button. 4uzhoj)
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