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Allg. top it off; make it worse; on the top of all that (chajnik); and to top it (Ruth; Чаще "and to top it (ALL) OFF". masizonenko); to add insult to injury (boggler); to top it all; finally (Сынковский); to cap it all (to cap it all scherfas); in the end (scherfas); if that wasn't enough (VLZ_58); top it all off; it doesn't help that (Abysslooker); added to everything else; cap all; crown; on top of it all
Gruzovik in order to crown all
Игорь Миг on top of all of this
gewerksch. on top of all that (Кунделев)
idiom. to make matters worse (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarow. to crown it all
Math. to crown all
в довершение всего: 28 Phrasen in 3 Thematiken
Allgemeine Lexik15