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Allg. sweep up; sweep out (refuse); oversweep; besom; to tassel; sweep (a surface); broom
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Gruzovik throw out; cast out; head; put out
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Игорь Миг boot out
Bauw. comb out
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Gruzovik, Dial. break out (of rush)
Gruzovik, landwirt. tassel
Gruzovik, Näh. edge; buttonhole; hem; overstitch; baste out
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Mar. dust (вк)
Math. sweep out
вымета́ть V.
Gruzovik sweep clean
выметаться V.
Allg. come one's way (обычно в виде императива); cast out; to tassel; throw out; head; put out
Dial. break out (of rush)
idiom. dust out (Yeldar Azanbayev)
umg. bail (Pickman); clear out (Tell him to clear out immediately! – Пусть сейчас же выметается! ART Vancouver)
vulg. get the fuck out (4uzhoj)
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Allg. take a running jump (Александр_10)
Игорь Миг bug off!; get out of here!
вы́метаться V.
Gruzovik, Fischz. spawn
Gruzovik, landwirt. appear (of sprouts, shoots, etc.)
Gruzovik, umg. dash out; rush out
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Slang. come out of that!
выметайся V.
grob. butt out! (Butt out before I throw you out Taras)
umg. hit the road (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Выметайся! V.
Allg. Get the hell off somewhere! (maystay)
вымета́ться V.
Gruzovik, umg. leave
выметаемый Prtz.
Math. swept out
вы́метать: 17 Phrasen in 10 Thematiken
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