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Allg. enjoy independence; stand on one's own legs; stand on one's own bottom; stand on own bottom; be one's own man; be your own person/man/woman (to be your own person is to be in control of your life and not allow other people to tell you what to do, for example: 'Nobody tells me how to live my life – I'm my own man'; to be your own person clearly requires independence of thought, feeling, and action letitbemyname); be my own person/man/woman (to be your own person is to be in control of your life and not allow other people to tell you what to do, for example: 'Nobody tells me how to live my life – I'm my own man'; to be your own person clearly requires independence of thought, feeling, and action letitbemyname); stand on your own two legs (yanadya19); be one's own master
Geschäftsvokab. be self-supporting; be independent from (smth, от чего-л.)
idiom. march to the beat of one's own drum (papillon blanc); stand on your own two feet (When young people leave home, they learn to stand on their own two feet. Interex); fly no flag (и не следовать за толпой: He is a man who flies no flag. He has his own opinions and is not afraid to express them • He is a man of integrity who flies no flag. He always stands up for what he believes in Taras)
Makarow. be one's own master; enjoy freedom; get on one's feet (материально); stand on one's own feet; stand on one's own two feet; be on one's feet (материально)
Progr. be independent (ssn)
vulg. sit on one's own ass (обыч. в финансовом плане); stand on one's own ass перефраз выражения stand on (one's) own feet (обыч. в финансовом плане)
быть независимым: 41 Phrasen in 13 Thematiken
Allgemeine Lexik4
Pharmazeutik und Pharmakologie1
Wissenschaftlicher Ausdruck1