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МЖК Abk.Betonungen
Allg. Oil and Fat Plan (Масложировой комбинат Ttate); Oil and Fat Plant (Масложировой комбинат Ttate)
Bauw. Youth Residential Complex (молодёжный жилой комплекс) The housing projects intended for young families and constructed by their future tenants themselves, subsidized by industrial enterprises. This approach existed since 1971 and it was a mass movement until the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It was an attempt to alleviate the residential construction crisis in the late Soviet Union. Construction of Youth Residential Complexes continued in modern Russia, although based on a different business model, based on market economy. Ying)
Pharm. soft gel capsule (мягкая желатиновая капсула banana_cookie)
 Russisch Thesaurus
МЖК Abk.
Abkürz. малоэтажный жилой комплекс (Ker-online); масложировой комбинат; молодёжный жилищный комплекс; молодежный жилищный кооператив; молодёжный жилой комплекс
Abkürz., Biochem. минорная жирная кислота (igisheva)
Abkürz., org.Chem. модифицированная жирная кислота (igisheva); мононенасыщенная жирная кислота (igisheva)