
Einträge für die Thematik Idiomatisch enthaltend воздерживаться | alle Formen | exakt
воздерживаться отsteer clear of (But perhaps it would be safer to steer clear of judging people altogether no matter how good it feels and no matter how much the media encourages us to pick up a stone and have a throw. VLZ_58)
воздерживаться от выражений сильных чувств по поводуkeep bottled up (чего-либо Yeldar Azanbayev)
воздерживаться от лишних расходовsit tight (We would just sit tight and put all we could in the bank, and when we were old, which won't be so very long now, maybe we should be meagrely secure and go to the movies once a week. (“I Like British Columbia”, a 1938 book by Gwen Cash) ART Vancouver)