
   Chinesisch Englisch
Einträge zur Thematik Geowissenschaften (38559 статей)
一般隐式法 general implicit method
一般隐线 general implicit line
一般环境报告 generic environmental statement
一般识别问题 general identification problem
一般回归神经网络 general return neural network
一般代数模拟系统 general algebraic modeling system
一般目标土地评价【土】 general-purpose land evaluation
一阶分析 first order analysis
一阶标准化洪峰流量分布 first-order standardized peak discharge distribution
一阶不定性分析 first-order uncertainly analysis
一阶期望近似 first-order approximation of the expectation
一阶光滑逼近法 first-order-smoothing approximation
一阶筛选与修正系统 first-order screening and correction system
一阶条件 first-order conditions
一阶二次矩法 first-order second-moment method
一阶随机优势度 first-order stochastic dominance
一阶自回归模型 autoregressive model of order 1
一阶可靠性分析 first-order reliability analysis
一阶可靠性法 first-order reliability method
一阶泰勒级数逼近法 First-Order Taylor Series Approximation