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Богом клянусьударения
общ. wish to God (scherfas); with God as my witness (With God as my witness, Mary, I am going to do whatever it takes to prove my love for you! • A: "Tom, what happened to the money I gave you? I thought you were going to take it to the bank." B: "I did! With God as my witness, I handed it to the teller myself!" fddhhdot)
богом клянусь
разг. honest to God (Honest to God,I didn't take your wallet! Val_Ships)
Богу клясться
разг. swear to God (Shabe)
Богом клянусь: 27 фраз в 7 тематиках
Австралийское выражение1
Ирландский язык1
Общая лексика10
Разговорная лексика2