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young gun
перен. молодой честолюбец ("Young guns" is a term which came out of the Old West. It was applied to young gunslingers and gunfighters, hence the term "young guns". They'd be out to make a name for themselves by going up against the older, more established gunslingers and gunfighters. They'd go to a town they'd be in and make a ruckus to draw them out and into a showdown of some sort. After the days of the Old West the term was applied to young persons trying to make a name for themselves and doing so by creating a commotion or making waves. Lots of times the term was used in the business world but wasn't exclusive to it. More recently, it just means some young persons trying to draw attention to themselves by creating a commotion or young persons who will take charge of something of their own volition. VLZ_58); молодой волк (VLZ_58); из молодых да ранний (a young person who is good enough to be able to compete with older more experienced people VLZ_58)
young guns
шахм. "молодая поросль" (много мнящие о себе молодые шахматисты)