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CRD сокр.ударения
общ. конденсаторно-резисторно-диодная схема
банк. директива о требованиях к капиталу (Лорина)
мед. хронические повторяющиеся разряды (julchik); хронические постоянно повторяющиеся разряды (julchik)
НАТО. сроки готовности, устанавливаемые командиром (Yeldar Azanbayev)
онк. хеморедукция (doc090)
офт. колбочко-палочковая дистрофия (doc090); врождённая отслойка сетчатки (doc090)
crd сокр.
бур. пробуренный с отбором керна (cored); пробуренный керновым инструментом (cored)
 Английский тезаурус
CRD сокр.
воен. central repair depot; chronic radiation dose; classified restricted data; communications research division
нефт.газ. ratio control designation
сокр. Central Registration Depository; Community and Resource Development; Computer Research And Development; Computer Research Development; Crop Reporting District; Current Rulings Document; Customer Request Date; cash ratio deposit (Alexander Matytsin); Committee on Energy Research and Development of the IEA; Committee on Energy Research and Development of the International Energy Agency; U.S Army Chemical Research (Seregaboss); call rerouting distribution; California Research and Development Co.; computer read-out device; cross-reacting determinant
сокр., авиац. Comodoro Rivadavia, CB, Argentina; Comment Response Document (LyuFi); compact radar display; card; clock recovery device; capstone requirement document; change request disposition; collision resolution device
сокр., авто. common rail diesel (kotechek); Common-Rail Direct Injection (I. Havkin); common-rail diesel; common rail direct injection
сокр., алюм. Tube CRD heat exchanger
сокр., банк. capital requirements directive (Лорина)
сокр., бизн. Customer requested date (Vivicector)
сокр., бр.англ. Central Recruiting Depot; Central Recruiting Division
сокр., бур. cored
сокр., воен. Commander's Required Date; Cooperative Research and Development; Chief of Research and Development (СВ); chemical reconnaissance detachment
сокр., геол. Carbonate Replacement Deposits (Метасоматическое месторождение в карбонатных породах itisasecret)
сокр., докум. conference room paper
сокр., ж/д. Common Rail Diesel
сокр., землевед. coastal resources division; complete reaction of degeneration
сокр., ИТ. Guitar Chord File; Windows 3.x or Yourway Cardfile; capacitor-resistor-diode (network)
сокр., кадр. Central Reprographic Department (Lao_She)
сокр., косм. consumer requirements document; crop-reporting-district
сокр., мед. Child Restraint Device; Childhood Rheumatic Disease; Chorioretinal Degeneration; Clinician's Research Digest; Cone-rod Retinal Dystrophy; Congenital Rubella Deafness; NHS Centre For Reviews And Dissemination; chronic repetitive discharges (julchik)
сокр., науч.-ис. customer requirements document (Метран)
сокр., нефт. cathode-ray display; Committee in Energy Research and Development; computer readout device; constant rate drawdown; constant rate of deformation; Corporate Research Department (BP [British petroleum company])
сокр., онк. chemoreduction (doc090)
сокр., опт. capacitor resistor diode
сокр., офт. cone-rod dystrophy (doc090); congenital retinal disinsertion (doc090)
сокр., полиц. Central Records Division
сокр., прогр., ИТ. Class Rules Design; Color Rendering Dictionary
сокр., радио. capacitor-resistor diode network
сокр., т.м. Calex Research And Development
сокр., ф.расш. Card Reader
сокр., физиол. Chronic Renal Disease; Chronic Respiratory Disease
сокр., физиол., мед. Chronic Reflux Disease
сокр., фин. central registration depositary
сокр., шотл.выр. Capstone Requirements Document (US DoD); Combat Radio Dialler
сокр., эл. code receiver device; computer readout display
тех. capacitor-resistor-diode network; control rod drive; control rod driveline; cosmic ray detector
энерг. categories of regulatory documents; combustor run dry
crd сокр.
мед. chronic respiratory disease
Crd сокр.
сокр. cordierite
Crd. сокр.
сокр., землевед. cored
Crd сокр.
сокр., нефт. Caradoc
.crd сокр.
ф.расш. Cardfile (file name extension); Chord (music file name extension)
CRd сокр.
сокр., нефт. central Rand (group)
crd. сокр.
сокр., фин. credit
CRD: 5 фраз в 5 тематиках
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