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 Английский тезаурус
CHE сущ.
воен. cargo handling equipment
имен.фам. Che Guevara
сокр. Chechen; Community Health And Environment
сокр., бирж. CheMed Corporation
сокр., воен. Container Handling Equipment; Conventional High Explosives; cargo-handling equipment; container-handling equipment
сокр., воен., ПВО. channel end
сокр., геогр. ___
сокр., мед. Centre For Health Economics; Centre For Health Evidence; chronic hepatic encephalopathy
сокр., обр. Community Health Education
сокр., обр., науч. College of Human Ecology
сокр., т.м. Choice Hotels Europe
сокр., эл. channel hot-electron (stress); China Hualu Electronic Co. Ltd.; chip enable
тех. channel hot electrons emission
хим. close-tube heat exchanger
CHES сокр.
сокр. Cayuga Heights Elementary School; Certified Health Education Specialist; Chesler Holdings, LTD.
сокр., землевед. Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society
сокр., мед. Certified Health Education Specialists; Community Health Education Services
сокр., нефт. cased hole evaluation service; cased hole exploration service
сокр., эл. channel hot-electron stress
Che сущ.
геол. Cheremshanskian sequence (MichaelBurov); Cheremshanskian Stage (MichaelBurov)
сокр. Cheremshanskian (MichaelBurov); Cheremshanskian age (MichaelBurov); Cheremshanskian strata (MichaelBurov); Cheremshanskian time (MichaelBurov); the Cheremshanskian (MichaelBurov); Chile
ChE сущ.
воен., ОМП. Chemical Engineer
сокр., мед. cholinesterase
Ches сущ.
картогр. Cheshire
CHE сокр.
сокр., землевед. conference on the human environment (UN)
сокр., нефт. Switzerland
сокр., пищ. Cereals Hydrolised Enzymatically (com.au Sluvik)