
Термины по тематике Экономика, содержащие | все формы
中国路对外服务公司China Railway Foreign Service Corporation
register on a railway (托运)
他们为钢厂建造工程投了标They tendered for the construction of a steel plant
路支线为抵押之债券divisional bonds
全联合钢企业a fully integrated steel mill
关于氧化,我们的价格意见是…美元离岸价格In regard to ferric oxide, our idea of price is $... and FOB
兹随函寄上50吨船舶用一级板订单一份,具体规格见附件We send you herewith an order for 50 tons best iron ship plate as per the particulars on the annexed specifications
厂内industrial railway
双边钢协定bilateral steel agreements
吊具lift magnet
商业commercial railway
国家钢与造船公司National Steel and Shipbuilding Co.
国际路运输公约International Convention on the Transport of Goods by Rail
路终点站交货at railhead
多边钢协议Multilateral Steel Agreement
将卡车拖车装上火车的公路路联运rail-trailer shipment
将货物交路运输consign goods by rail
light iron barrel
小钢little steel
工资iron law of wages
工资brazen law of wages
工资braze law of wages
工资the iron law of wages
工资braze law of wages
美国巴尔的摩,俄亥俄路公司Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
1926 年美国路劳动法案Railway Labor Act, 1926
废钢the iron and steel scrap
征用路用地right-of-way requirement
我们将把一切设备,机械及各种备件迅速由路运输给买主We shall promptly transport all equipment, machinery and spare parts to the buyer by rail
路将使这一地区受益The new railway will benefit this district
有开采价值的矿床promising iron deposit
本协议一经执行,美国钢公司同意付给东方饭店有限公司 5000美元作预付租金Upon execution of this agreement, the United, States Steel Corporation agrees to pay to the Oriental Hotel Ltd. $5000 as advance royalties
横贯大陆的trans-continental railway
俄罗斯横跨西伯利亚trans Siberian Railway
水路和联运water and rail
汇率下exchange rate depreciation
润滑油小light iron grease barrel
电报或路的总线head line
私有公营private railway under public management
美国科罗拉多燃料与钢总公司Colorado Fuel and Iron Corp.
铁(类),黑色金属ferrous metal
基本金属业basic metal
经由delivered on rail (交货)
美国钢制造商协会Association of American Steel Manufactures
航空联运air and rail
英国British Rail
营运中的railway in service
轻便小portable railway
运载汽车的路分层汽车a rack car
这批货先由路发送至上海,再用船运抵洛杉矶The goods will be sent by rail to Shanghai and then by ship to Los Angeles
国营法案the iron and steel bill
国营法案iron and steel bill
垄断资本家the steel monopoly
大王steel king
工业steel industry
生产产业委员会industrial committee for iron & steel production
联合企业a steel complex
联合企业steel complex
steel wire
丝线规iron wire gauge
合金ferrous metal
a steel drum
皮捆扎iron strapping (打包)
皮松开iron straps loose (or missing, 或散失)
矿储量ore reserve
矿砂出口国联盟Association of Iron-Ore Exporting Countries
steel hoop
箍带iron band
箍断hoop off
hard evidence
railroad (railway)
rail facility
出口货物提单railway export bill of lading
路专利railway monopoly
路专营railway monopoly
路交货free on rail
路交货价on-rail price
路会计the railway accounting
美国路公司股票railroad stock
路公司连轮费common crier
路到货通知单a railway advice
路及内河提单railway and inland waterway bill of lading
路和水路运输的转运站rail-and-water terminal
路和海路联运rail and ocean
路和航空rail and air
路国有化nationalization of railway
路地产railway estate
美国路委员会分区代码Railroad Committee District Number
路客车a railroad car
路工人railway worker
路承运人a rail carrier
路敞车交货free on train
路柴油车rail diesel car
路独占railway monopoly
路的运输设备rolling stock
路税railway duty
路管理局railway administration
路线的终点railhead (或起点)
路终点railway of destination
路终点交货at railhead
路终点站railway terminal
路联运货运interline freight
路股票交易railway market
路营运收入railway operating income
路装卸线长度length of railway siding for cargo work
路证明书railroad certificate
路货物通知书a railroad advice
路货运提单a railroad bill of lading
路车皮使用计划railway wagon using plan
路车辆卸货overside to railway wagon
路车辆卸载overside to railway wagon
路运价差别待逍discrimination in railway rate
路运价差别待遇discrimination in railway rate
路运价率railway tariff
路运价率协定rate agreement
路运单a way bill
路运营固定资产railway operation fixed assets
路运营流动或固定资金railway operating fixed capital
路运营流动或固定资金railway operating current capital
路运货railroad activity
路运输the rail traffic
路运输rail transport (transportation)
路运输公司railway carrier
路运输量car loadings
路道口railway crossing (交叉口)
路邮递信件railway letters
道护路员track man
道经济railway economy
道部长Minister of Railways
长距离路运输the long haul by rail
高架an elevated railway