
Термины по тематике Юридическая лексика, содержащие | все формы
侵占illegal encroachment
拉丁语不在律范围以内ultra vires
不成文jus non scriptu
不经out of court
有关连的服务para-legal service
专利patent laws
习惯common law
人为positive law
人道主义humanitarian law
提出要求权prosecute a claim
具有律效力的legally-binding effect
具有律效力的binding legal effect
具有律约束力的legally-binding effect
具有律约束力的binding legal effect
具有律约束力的文书legally binding instrument
军事管制martial law
农业agricultural law
农业agricultural act
农业agricultural act
农业agricultural act
农业agricultural law
准司手段quasi-judicial mechanism
准司手段quasi-judicial body
准司机构quasi-judicial mechanism
准司机构quasi-judicial body
美国出口贸易公司Export Trading Company Act
判例precedential law
判例case law
劳资industrial tribunal
取消性定规定extinctive prescription
administration of justice
体系judicial system
手段judicial mechanism
手段judicial mean
改革judicial reform
机制judicial mechanism
机制judicial mean
绩效judicial performance
裁判administration of justice
Judicial Department
美国部长Attorney General
年龄age of consent
院起诉file a claim in court
国家law of nations
国家international law
国际law of nations
国际international law
国际协会institute of international law
国际实体object of international law
国际院咨询意见International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion
国际院咨询意见ICJ Advisory Opinion
国际贸易international trade law
土地land law
土地合并land consolidation act
土地规划land consolidation act
土著土地customary land law
土著土地customary tenure
土著土地customary land tenure
土著土地indigenous land tenure
土著土地indigenous land law
土著土地autochthonous land tenure
土著土地autochthonous land law
基本立basic legislation
大陆continental law
妨害司执行obstructing justice
上的规定constitutional provisions
对食物权的宪保护constitutional protection of the right to food
延期偿付moratory law
强制jus cogens
强制性mandatory rule of law
拉丁语强制性jus cogens
成文statute law
成文codified law
技术technical regulation
按照of right
授权facultative enactment
授权立facultative legislation
failure to + inf.
无效律行为nullity of juristic act
替代性纠纷解决办alternative dispute resolution
最佳做best practice
最高司机构highest judicial organ
律约束力公约legally-binding convention
有机技术organic technical regulation
有机立organic legislation
未执行劳动立un-enforced labour legislation
本地土地customary tenure
本地土地indigenous land law
本地土地autochthonous land tenure
本地土地indigenous land tenure
本地土地customary land tenure
本地土地customary land law
本地土地autochthonous land law
美国的权利授予enabling act
根据律本身ipso jure
拉丁语根据律本身ipso jure
根本parent law
框架framework law
框架性framework law
案例precedential law
案例case law
人地位juridical personality
人资格legal personality
定当局legal authority
定资格legal capacity
拉丁语"庭之友"amicus curiae
de jure
律上de jure
律依据legal authority
律制度legal system
律地位legal status
律意见legal opinion
律授权legal empowerment
律支助legal aid
律支助legal assistance
律文书legal instrument
律术语juridical terms
律权限juridical powers
律的条文letter of the law
律的理想成分ideal element of law
律程序legal proceeding
律诉讼administrative proceedings
律诉讼legal proceedings
律责任legal obligation
律问责legal accountability
constitutional provisions
院临时法律顾问amicus curiae
海事高等high court of admiralty
焰火范式model fireworks law
物权property law
特别special tribunal
特别special court
用类推by analogy
国际文书hard law international instrument
hard law
当局legislative authority
机构legislative authority
立约jus contrahendi
管辖governing law
纵火范式model arson law
院宣布无效judicial avoidance
经司程序解决纷争judicial solution of an dispute
美国的联邦规守则Code of Federal Regulations
群近似group treatment
行为发生地lex loci actus
行政administrative rule
补救办remedial measures
袋鼠指由工会成员私设的不按法律程序的法庭kangaroo court
院宣告破产的当事人party adjusted bankrupt
要求纠正的办seek redress
adopt measures
解除烦恼seek redress
财产property law
财产所在地forum rei
质量评级law on quality grading
贸易jus commercii
美国的转售first sale doctrine
soft law
达成一项折中办effect a compromise
运输transportation law
部门立sectoral legislation
美国防止欺诈statute of frauds
人境illegal immigration
侨民illegal alien
勒索illegal exaction
审讯illegal interrogation
拘捕false arrest
收人illegal income
权益illegal interest
移民illegal immigrants
经营illegal business activities
贩运illegal and clandestine trafficking
集资illegal fundraising
高等high court of justice