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Термины по тематике Юридическая лексика (25905 статей)
"grondslag op grondslag"-techniek "base from base" method
"grondslag op grondslag"-techniek accounts method
"het is iedereen verboden..." "the parties are prohibited from..."
"informatica"-aspect van de fraudebestrijding data-processing methods to deal with fraud
"Initiatief van Wenen" "Vienna Initiative"
"justitie voor groei"-agenda "Justice for growth" agenda
"justitie voor groei"-agenda Justice for growth
"kanselier van justitie" (õiguskantsler) Legal Chancellor
"manufacturing clause" manufacturing clause
"mar presencial" presential sea
"niet voor export" words "not to be exported"
"official receiver" official receiver
"oncomouse"-patent "oncomouse" patent
"one-stop shopping"-procedure one-stop shopping procedure
"overhead" kosten security overhead
"package deal" Package Deal Agreement
"parliamentary draftsman" parliamentary draftsman
"registratieoctrooi" "registration" patent
"rode rand" treaty paper
"spontane" asielzoekers spontaneous asylum-seekers