
   西班牙语 英语
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Convenio internacional
 convenio internacional
环境 international convention; international convention
| de
一般 out of; from
互联网 From:
| Bruselas
地名 Brussels
| de
一般 out of; from
27 | de
一般 out of
| mayo
纺织工业 mayo
| de
一般 out of
1967 | para
数学 to
| la
养鱼 poke line
unificación | de
一般 out of
| determinadas
一般 definitely
| normas
法律 guiding principles
| relativas
数学 ratio
| a
计算 at
| los
一般 the
| privilegios
法律 privilege
| e
一般 and
| hipotecas marítimas
 hipoteca marítima
财政 ship mortgage
- 只找到单语

convenio internacional
法律 international agreement
环境 international convention Treaties and other agreements of a contractual character between different countries or organizations of states creating legal rights and obligations between the parties; international convention
Convenio internacional de Bruselas de 27 de mayo de 1967 para la: 2 短语, 1 学科