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intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance
一般 Inteligencia, Vigilancia, Adquisición de Objetivos y Reconocimiento
 英语 词库
intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance
军队, 后勤 Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance ISTAR links surveillance, reconnaissance and target acquisition systems and sensors to cue manoeuvre and offensive strike assets, with particular emphasis on the timely passage of critical and targeting information. It encompasses the collection and management of information and intelligence to provide situational awareness for commanders and their staffs to exploit opportunities by directing manoeuvre and supporting the tasking process. Note: NATO uses the acronym RISTA (FRA)
Intelligence, Surveillance, Target-Acquisition and Reconnaissance
缩写, 航天, 军队 ISTAR
intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance: 3 短语, 1 学科