
术语 包含 请求权 | 所有字形 | 只按指定顺序
中国, 法律享有保险金请求权be entitled to claim the insurance money
中国, 法律代位请求赔偿权利right to indemnity by subrogation
项目管理保兑行意指应开证行的授权或请求对信用证加具保兑的银行Confirming bank means the bank that adds its confirmation to a credit upon the issuing bank
中国, 法律保险金请求权right to insurance claims
中国, 法律保险金请求权claim to insurance compensation
纺织工业债权请求权right of the obligation claim
中国, 法律债的请求权debt claim
国际贸易偿还请求权right of recourse
中国, 法律共同海损分摊的请求权claim with contribution in general average
商业活动出具请求书的债权人petitionary credit
经济合伙债权人的进一步请求权further rights of partnership creditors
商业活动合伙债权人的进一步请求权further-rights of partnership creditors
地球科学土地妨害排除请求权claim for land nuisance removal
地球科学土地妨害预防请求权claim for prevention of land nuisance
地球科学土地返还请求权restitutive right for land
商业活动对物请求权right of the real claim
电子产品弃权请求request for waiver
经济我方请求你方给予独家销售与本样品相同的设备的权利We ask you to grant us an exclusive right to sell the equipment identical to the sample
纺织工业承认请求权acknowledgement of claim
密码学授权请求密文authorization request cryptogram
国际贸易提出某项债权抵销对方的请求权invoke a right as a defense for the purpose of set-off
经济提出某项债权抵销对方的请求权invoke a right as a defence for the purpose of set-off
商业活动收回不法占有动产的请求权claim detinue
纺织工业无偿还请求权without recourse
财政未曾要求的请求权unasserted claims
国际贸易标时消费请求权dated consumption claims
中国, 法律民事权利请求civil claim
中国, 法律海上拖航合同的请求权claims with sea towage
中国, 法律海难救助的请求权claims with salvage at sea
经济算时消费请求权dated consumption claims
中国, 法律船舶碰撞的请求权daim with collision of ship
中国, 法律行使代位请求赔偿权利exercise the right to indemnity by subrogation
电子产品请求优先权协议demand priority protocol
商业活动请求保护专利权claim in a patent application
纺织工业请求归还权right of recovery
财政请求授权authorization request
国际贸易请求权right of claim
中国, 法律请求权利救济request for remedy
商业活动请求权转让assignment of claims
商业活动请求确定财产权的诉讼action of revendication
经济请求豁免权claim to immunity
经济请求豁免权make a claim to immunity
纺织工业请求赔偿权right to request compensation
中国, 法律请求赔偿的权利right to claim indemnity
技术财产请求权property claim
财政资产请求权的优先顺序priority of claims on asset
经济转让权请求request for authority to negotiate
电子产品项目授权请求project authorization request