
术语 对于主题 微软 包含 asynchronous | 所有字形 | 只容许请确匹配
asynchronous callασύγχρονη κλήση (A method call that returns to the caller immediately regardless of whether processing has completed. The results of processing are returned through another call on another thread. Asynchronous methods free the caller from having to wait until processing has finished)
asynchronous communicationασύγχρονη επικοινωνία (A form of data transmission in which information is sent and received at irregular intervals, one character at a time. Because data is received at irregular intervals, the receiving modem must be signaled to let it know when the data bits of a character begin and end. This is done by means of start and stop bits)
asynchronous communication layerεπίπεδο ασύγχρονης επικοινωνίας (The layer of AJAX functionality that takes care of communication between the browser and the server)
asynchronous eventασύγχρονο συμβάν (An event whose handler runs in a different processing thread from the action that raised the event. The event handler and the action are processed simultaneously)
Asynchronous JavaScript And XMLΑσύγχρονες JavaScript και XML (A set of technologies consisting of a client-side script framework, server controls, and more)
asynchronous method callασύγχρονη μέθοδος (A method call that returns to the caller immediately regardless of whether processing has completed. The results of processing are returned through another call on another thread. Asynchronous methods free the caller from having to wait until processing has finished)
asynchronous operationασύγχρονη λειτουργία (A process whose execution can proceed independently or in the background. Other processes may be started before the asynchronous process has finished)
asynchronous patternασύγχρονο μοτίβο (A core technology in the .NET Framework which provides an efficient model to manage asynchronous operations and a consistent programming model)
asynchronous postbackασύγχρονη επιστροφή δεδομένων (In ASP.NET, the process of sending Web page data (plus viewstate and other necessary metadata) from the browser to the server without a complete postback and without blocking the user from continuing to work in the page. Asynchronous postbacks are an important feature of AJAX technology)
asynchronous transfer modeλειτουργία ασύγχρονης μεταφοράς (A high-speed, connection-oriented, virtual circuit-based packet switching protocol used to transport many different types of network traffic. ATM packages data in 53-byte, fixed-length cells that can be switched quickly between logical connections on a network)
event-based asynchronous patternασύγχρονο μοτίβο βασισμένο σε συμβάντα (A design pattern that uses events to expose asynchronous features of a class)