
术语 对于主题 财政 包含 in | 所有字形 | 只容许请确匹配
absolute difference in cost成本绝对差
acceleration in money-circulation货币流通的加快
accountant in bankruptcy破产管财人
accountant in bankruptcy破产核算员
accountant in charge主管会计师
accounting for changes in the purchasing power of money货币购买力变动会计
accounting in bankruptcy破产核算员
accumulated experimental development cost in project项目的试验研究费用累计
achieve needed reforms in the world's financial systems实现全球金融体系的必要改革
actively participate in global economic governance reform积极参与全球经济治理机制改革
actively participate in international affairs积极参与国际事务
acute lack of confidence in the markets市场信心严重不足
additional paid-in capital溢缴资本 (contributed surplus)
additional paid-in capital实收超额资本 (contributed surplus)
advance in cash现金垫款
advance the reform of the international monetary system in a steady manner稳妥推进国际货币体系改革
adventure in company委托公司发送货物
aggregate funds in-and-out flow资金进出总额
all the cross-border trade settled in renminbi跨境贸易人民币结算总额
alleviate short-term tightness in the market缓解市场的短期紧张
allow a faster rise in wages允许工资加快增长
allow Chinese and foreign companies to settle trade transactions in renminbi允许中外企业用人民币结算外贸交易
allow Chinese companies to settle cross-border trade deals in their own currency允许中国企业以本币进行跨境交易结算
allow imports and exports to be invoiced and settled in renminbi允许进出口贸易以人民币开具发票和结算
allow more trading in the renminbi允许扩大人民币贸易
allow non-trade-related flows in and out of China允许非贸易资金自由出人中国
allow offshore banks and central banks to invest in China's interbank bond market允许离岸银行和各国央行投资于中国的银行间债券市场
allow trade to be settled in renminbi允许人民币用于贸易结算
amount collected in excess多收款额
amount in arrears过期未付的欠款金额
amount in cash现金额
amount in dispute有争议金额
amount in dispute有争议的款项
amount in force有效保险
amount in words大写金额 (用文字写)
amount of currency in circulation货币流通额
amount of currency in circulation货币发行量
amount of currency in circulation货币流通量
amount of paper money in circulation纸币流通量
amount of paper money in circulation纸币发行量
analysis of changes in financial position财务状况变动分析
analysis of changes in working capital accounts流动资金帐户变动分析
Asian economic crisis in 19971997 年亚洲经济危机
asset in kind实物资产
assigned in blank不记名过户
auction in bid投标式拍卖
auditing for cash on hand and in bank现金及存款审计
average market price of ordinary shares in the current period当期普通股平均市场价格
average number of days in transit of trade remittances collect via bank托收货款平均在途天数
balance in ledger总帐余额
balance in our favour我方受益的余额应收
balance in your favor对方结余
balance in your favour你方受益的余额应付
banking in Taiwan台湾银行业
battlelines in the renminbi wars人民币汇率之争
be in body's interest对各方都不利
be in China's interests符合中国的利益
be in China's own interests符合中国自身利益
be in relatively good shape状况相对较好
bill endorsed in blank空白背书票据
bill in domestic currency本币汇票
bill payable in foreign currency外币付款的汇票
bonds denominated in renminbi以人民币计价的债券
bonds in series连续发行的公荀债
branch statements in dollars以美元计算的分店报表
break-even point in dollar金额保本点
budgeted revenue and expenditure in balance预算收支平衡
build a moderately prosperous society in all respects全面建设小康社会
build a Xiaokang society in all respects全面建设小康社会
buy assets in the volume购买巨额资产
buy debt in the primary or secondary market在一级或二级市场购买债券
buy dollar assets in bulk大量购买美元资产
buy in买到某种身份
buy in买进公司股份
buy in拍卖时以低于贷主所定最低价为贷主买回拍卖品
buy in买一大批
buy in大批买进
buy in补购
buy stakes in banks买人银行股权
call in advance预收催缴股款
call in arrears催缴延付股款欠款
certificate in indebtedness借据
charged in account记入赊购帐
checking in记入
Chinese-only gold contract denominated in the renminbi人民币计价、只面向中国人的黄金合约
choose to pay and be paid in the Chinese currency选择使用人民币支付和接受付款
city specializing in financial services金融服务业城市
clearing form of transferring account in bank银行转帐结算方式
committee in accounting procedure会计程序委员会
competitiveness in export出口竞争力
competitiveness in international market国际市场竞争力
consolidated statements:changes in parent's equity汇编报表:母公司在子公司产权之变化
contribute to the well being of people in all countries有利于增进世界各国人民福祉
contributed capital in excess of par value超面值缴人股本
contributed capital in excess of stated value超设定值缴人股本
conversion factor in compound interest calculation复利计算中的换算因数
cost of subsidiary stock in excess of book value at acquisition取得附属企业股权的成本超出帐面价值的数
create conditions for a future boom in equity investing in China为中国未来的股市投资繁荣创造条件
create investment products denominated in the Chinese currency创设以人民币计价的投资产品
credit balances in customer's accounts应收帐款明细帐户贷方余额
credit cooperative both in urban and rural areas城乡信用社
credit in bills票据债权
credit in business商业信誉
credit in currency通货信用
credit in kind实物信贷赊款
credit insurance in leasing租赁信用保险
crime of fraud in illegal financing非法集资诈骗罪
crime of illegally trading in foreign exchanges套汇罪
crime of taking a bribe in economic activities经济受贿罪
cut in interest rates降息
cut in interest rates利率下调
dealing in futures contract期货合约交易
dealing in gold options黄金期权交易
dealing in land地产交易
dealing in listed securities上市证券交易
dealing in option期权交易
debit balance in supplier's account供应商账户借方余额
debit balances in suppliers’ account供应者帐户借方余额
debit balances in suppliers’ account应付帐款
debt in bill票据债务
debtor-in-possession financing破产保护企业融资
debts provable in bankruptcy可证明的破产债务
decline in economic usefulness经济效用减低
deepen cooperation in green growth深化绿色增长合作
deepen cooperation in international financial regulation深化国际金融监管合作
deepen cooperation in the financial sector深化在金融领域的合作
deepen reforms in key areas深化重点领域改革
default in loan违约不还贷款
deficiencies in the global economic governance system全球经济治理体系的弊端
deficit in long-term capital长期资本赤字
deficit in revenue岁入不足
deficit in the balance of international payment国际收支逆差
denominated in以…为计价货币单位
deterioration in labor market conditions劳动力市场状况的恶化
difference in absolute cost成本绝对差
difference in books账簿中的差异
difference in exchange rate汇率差
differentials in prices价差
difficulty in raising funds筹资困难
direct investment by other countries or regions in China外国来华直接投资
disguised increase in price变相涨价
distortions in capital allocation资本配置不当
distribution in kind实物分派
distribution in specie实物分派
divergence in inflation rate通货膨胀率偏离
divergence in interests between China and the US中美的利益分歧
division in a capital ratio依资本比例分配 (at beginning or end of period)
division in a fractional ratio依一定成数分配
divisions in a capital ratio依资本比例分配 (at beginning or end of period)
divisions in a fractional ratio依一定成数分配
document payable in cash应付现金凭证
drafts in duplicate双联汇票
drop in property sales growth房屋销售增幅下滑
early buy-in提早补仓
early buy-in提早补购
earnings in foreign exchange外汇收益
effect of change in exchange rate on cash汇率变动对现金的影响额
encourage expanded trade in financial products and services刺激金融产品及服务中交易的扩展
encourage foreign investment enterprises to participate in R&D鼓励外商投资企业参与技术研发
encourage international trade to be conducted in renminbi鼓励企业用人民币开展国际贸易
endorse in blank空白背书
endorsement in blank不记名背书
endorsement in full正式〔全衔,详细,特别,完全〕 背书
engage in across-the-board negotiations进行跨领域的谈判
engage in policy dialogues开展政策对话
engage in renminbi business开办人民币业务
entity concept in consolidated statements合并报表中的个体概念
equal difference in cost成本同等差
error in economic analysis经济分析错误
error in posting过帐错误
errors in posting过帐错误
ethics in finance金融道德准则
European Union Chamber of Commerce in China中国欧盟商会
ex interest ex int. ;X. in.无利息
excess of book value over cost of investment in subsidiary子公司投资帐面价值超过成本部分
excess of cost over book value of investment in subsidiary子公司投资成本超过帐面价值部分
excess volatility and disorderly movements in exchange rates汇率的过度和无序波动
expand the use of the RMB in cross-border trade and investment扩大人民币在跨境贸易和投资中的使用
expense and receipt in balance收支相抵
exploration costs in extractive industries采掘工业中的勘探成本
explosion in assets资产急遽增长
explosion in compensation薪酬暴涨
Expo 2010 in Shanghai2010 年上海世博会
fat tails in finance金融大尾巴指分布中"极端区"观测值概率过大
feasibility studies for computer in reports在表报中电子计算机适用性的研究
feasibility studies for computers in accounting在会计中电子计算机适用性的研究
firmly rein in speculative and investment-driven housing demand坚决抑制投机和投资性购房需求
fluctuation in exchange变动汇率 (foreign exchange fluctuations)
fluctuation in exchange汇兑变动 (foreign exchange fluctuations)
fluctuation in the economic situation经济形势波动
fluctuations in exchange变动汇率 (foreign exchange fluctuations)
fluctuations in exchange汇兑变动 (foreign exchange fluctuations)
forced buy-in强制补购
formulate their regulations and measures in a consistent manner在遵循一致性原则基础上制定规章以及措施
forward market in foreign exchange远期外汇市场
free flow of renminbi in Hong Kong人民币在港的自由流动
freight in and other expense进货运费及其它费用
freight paid in advance预付运费
funds in float汇兑在途
funds in state treasury州库存款
funds received for participation in loans made through us转放款项
G20 meeting in Seoul二十国集团 G20首尔峰会
gain on the changes in the fair value公允价值变动收益
gaps in supervision of banks at the international level银行业国际监管的空白区域
general slide in confidence信心全面滑坡
get stuck in a middle-income trap落人"中等收人陷阱"
goods-in consignments承销品 (consignments-in)
goods in process在产品 (work-in-process, work-in-progress)
goods in process在制品 (work-in-process, work-in-progress)
goods in process inventory account在制品存货帐
goods in process subsidiary ledger在产品明细分类帐
goods in transit付运中货品
government bond in foreign currency外币公债
growth rate in real terms实际增长率
help restore stability in the market有助于股市回稳
higher in quotation行市趋涨
highest-in-first-out method高人先出法
hold mainland renminbi assets in its reserves在外汇储备中持有人民币资产
hold overnight long positions in the renminbi持有隔夜人民币多头头寸
hold short positions in foreign currencies持有外汇空头头寸
improvements in process在建改良工程
improvements in process进行中改良工程
improvements in progress在改良工程中 (process)
inspire the general public's confidence in the future needs改善居民心理预期
institutions involved in global economic governance涉及全球经济治理的机构
instrument payable in foreign currencies外币支付凭证
insurance against loss in weight保短量险
insurance in public law公法保险
intercompany profit and changes in parents percentage of control结合公司间内部利益与母公司控制权成数之变化
intercompany profit in inventories and long-lived assets公司内部存货利益及耐久性资产内部利益
interest and salaries in excess of net income超出净利的利息及薪水
interest and/or salaries in excess of net income利息与薪水超过净利
interest-in-possession trust附息信托
interest paid-in account利息账户
interest-rate implicit in a lease租赁隐含利率
interests in associate对联营公司权益
interests in subsidiary对附属公司权益
interests in subsidiary对子公司权益
invest in China's interbank bond market投资于中国银行间债券市场
invest in Chinese private equity投资于中国私募股权市场
invest in gold-backed exchanged traded funds overseas投资于海外黄金的交易所交易基金
invest in infrastructure投资于基础设施
invest in overseas commodity exchange -traded funds投资于海外大宗商品的交易所交易基金
invest in RMB-denominated funds that focus on the domestic market投资于面向国内市场的人民币计价基金
invest more in research and development加大研发投资
investment in bonds债券投资
investment in bonds of affiliated company投资附属公司债务
investment in capital投资人股
investment in capital a/c投资帐户
investment in current assets流动资产投资
investment in default债信欠佳之投资
investment in financial services金融服务投资
investment in infrastructure基础设施投资
investment in land土地成本
investment in marketable securities有价证券投资
investment in non-productive projects非生产项目投资
investment in stocks股票投资
investment in stocks of affiliated company投资附属公司的股票
investment in subsidiaries附属公司投资
investment in technological upgrading技术升级投资
investment in the business投资总额
investors' faith in policy credibility投资者对于政策可信度的信任
issue debt denominated in the Chinese currency发行人民币计价债券
issue debt in the Chinese currency发行人民币债券
items in tariff运价表项目
items received in advance预收款
job in operation进行中的工作 (job in process)
job in operation未完工作 (job in process)
job in process在程工作
joint stock system in the Agricultural Bank of China农业银行股份制
journals used in fiduciary accounting信托会计中用的分录簿日记帐
judgement in decision决策判断
judgement in estimating估计判断
keep a firm grasp on the initiative in our economic work牢牢掌握经济工作的主动权
keep accounts in parallel平行记帐
last in first out后进先岀法 (一种评估存货价值的方法)
last-in first-out后购先用法
learning curve improvement curve in cost estimating成本估计中的改进曲线产量成倍,固定费下降原理估计的
leasor in a financial leasing融资租赁中的出租人
liabilities in commercial banks商业银行负债
lift in cost费用增加
loan in arrears拖欠贷款
loan in default无法偿还的贷款
locked-In return warrant锁定回报权证
loss from decline in market value of securities证券市价下跌损失
loss in exchange汇兑损失
loss in revenue收益损失
loss in sale销售损失
maintain average ratings benchmarks in portfolios维持投资组合的平均评级基准
maintain vigilance against excess volatility in exchange rates对汇率过度波动保持警惕
make acquisitions in renminbi以人民币进行收购
make full use of the basic role of the market in allocating resources充分发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用
management accounting problems in foreign operations国外营业之管理会计问题
management buy-in保留管理层的收购
mandatory restrictions in export法定出口限制
manufacturing expense-in-process在制品间接制造费
material in amount数额很大
material in process account在制原料帐
method of accounting for beginning work in process inventory对在制品期初存货的会计处理方法
mitigate against pro-cyclicality in regulatory policy缓解周期性波动的调控政策
moderation in economic growth经济增长减速
modest declines in house prices房价适度回落
mortgage of goods in flow流通中的货物抵押权
move in the right direction向着正确的方向行进
move the renminbi in or out of the mainland for investment purposes以投资为目的的跨境人民币资金流动
movement in the current account经常账户变化
new changes in global economic governance全球经济治理新变革
note in circulation流通中货币
number of days sales in receivables应收销售款收款天数
number of ordinary shares repurchased in the current period当期回购的普通股股数
number of shares newly issued in the current period当期新发行的普通股股数
offer shares denominated in renminbi提供以人民币计价的股票产品
offshore market in renminbi-denominated bonds人民币债券离岸市场
open up international market in different parts of the world多方位开拓国际市场
paid-in capital缴人资本
paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock优先股转换所得实收资本
paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock优先股转换所得缴人资本
paid-in capital from conversion of preferred stock由优先股折换的缴纳资本
paid-in capital from redemption of preferred stock优先股赎回所得实收资本
paid-in capital from redemption of preferred stock优先股赎回所得缴人资本
paid-in capital from redemption of preferred stock买回优先股之缴纳资本
paid-in capital from retirement of stock股份注销所得实收资本
paid-in capital from retirement of stock收回股票所得资本
paid-in capital from treasury stock transactions出售政府公债所得资本
paid-in capital in excess of par value超面值缴人资本
paid-in capital in excess of par value超面值实收资本
paid-in capital in excess of par value股票溢价超过面值的缴入资本
paid-in capital in excess of stated value超设定值缴人资本
paid-in capital in excess of stated value超设定值实收资本
paid-in capital in excess of stated value超过设定价值的缴纳资本
paid-in slip存款单 (deposit ticket)
paid-in stock已收股本
paid-in surplus纳入公积 (additional paid-in capital)
paid-in surplus资本公积 (additional paid-in capital)
paid-in surplus实收资本盈余
paid-in surplus缴入盈余 (additional paid-in capital)
paid-in value basis已付清的价值基础
parent's statements and investments in subsidiaries母公司报表与子公司投资
partial cash in advance预付部分现金
partial cash in advance预付部分货款
participate in eurozone rescues参与欧元区纾困
participation in decision-making参与决策
participation in financing参与资金筹措
participation in international economic cooperation and competition参与国际经济合作和竞争
participation in profit分享利润
participation in the profit参与分红
partners in co-operation合作伙伴
partnerships:changes in ownership合伙:业主的变更
party in breach违约人
payable in advance预付
payable in cash现金支付
payable in dollar用美元支付
payable in exchange应付汇票
paying-in book存款簿
paying-in book存折
paying-in slip缴款通知单
payment in arrears拖欠款项
payment in cash付现 (for cash)
payment in commercial papers以商业票据支付
payment in dollar terms用美元支付
payment in full全额支付
payment-in-kind securities实物分红证券
payment in part部分支付
payment in subrogation代付
permit more volatility in the daily trade of the currency允许加大人民币每日交易的波动幅度
perpetuity in arrear逾期未付永续年金
person in possession of an instrument持票人
play a bigger role in international economic affairs在国际经济事务中发挥更大作用
play a key role in crisis response在应对危机中发挥重要作用
premium on investment in bond债券投资溢价
premium paid in installment分期支付的保险费
prevent sharp swings in the pace of growth防止经济增长剧烈波动
prime costing in inventory valuation存货计价中的主要成本计算法
private investment in public equity私人投资公开股票
pro forma statement of changes in financial position预计财务状况变动表
proceed in cash货币收入
proceeds in cash货币收入
profit and loss on changes in fair value公允价值变动损益
profit convariability rule in divisional performance分部经营业绩的利润相互转变规则
profitability in relation to sales获利能力与销货
program structure in fund accounting基金会计中的项目结构
provoke a rise in the price推动价格上涨
quality in information systems信息系统的质量
quotation in dollar用美元报价
quotation in foreign currency用外国货币报价
quotation in gold按黄金计价
quotation in home currency用本国货币报价
quotation in Hong Kong dollar用港币报价
quotation in silver按白银报价
raise new barriers to investment or to trade in goods and services抬高投资或货物及服务贸易新壁垒
raise the level of transparency in the stock market增强股市透明度
rate in domestic currency本币汇率
rate in domestic money本币汇率
rate in foreign currency外币汇率
rate in foreign money外币汇率
rate in home currency本币汇率
rate in home money本币汇率
rate in overseas markets海外市场汇率
receive in advance预借
receive in advance预收
received in full收清
reconciliation of movement in stockholders' funds股东资金变动调节表
recovery in business activity景气回升
redemption in gold兑换成黄金
reserve for unrealized increment in assets未实现资产增价准备
reserve for unrealized increment in assets value资产价值未实现增值准备
reserve position in IMF在国际货币基金组织中的储备地位
reserve position in international financial institutions在国际金融机构的储备头寸
reserve position in the IMF在国际货币基金组织的储备头寸
reversal in housing楼市逆转
reverse the slowdown in economic growth扭转经济增速下滑趋势
rise in interest rates加息
rise in quotation提高牌价
rise in reserves外汇储备的上升
rise in wage工资增长
risk and return in a portfolio context股票组群之风险与报酬
risk in a portfolio sense投资组群之风险
risks in the banking system银行体系的风险
rivals in competition竞争对手
role of interest rates in resource allocation利率杠杆的调节作用
salaries and interest in excess of net income薪金及利息超过净利
savings by investing in securities投资有价证券的储蓄
scale in逐步建仓
schedule of changes in net quick assets速动资产净额变动表
schedule of changes in partners equity合伙人权益变动表
schedule of creditors' balances in purchase ledger销货客户余额表
schedule of customers' balances in sales ledger销货客户余额表
seasonal dip in market liquidity市场流动性的季节性减少
Securities Acquired in Recapitalization再资本化取得证券转卖条款
securities and properties in trust reserve信托准备中之证券与不动产
securities denominated in euro以欧元计价的证券
securities in foreign currency外币有价证券
security in physical assets以实物资产作抵押
set in renminbi以人民币结算
shares in computer storage簿记券式股票
shortage in collection少收
shortage in delivery少缴
small order first-in-first-out细额先到先得
specialize in emerging markets专注于新兴市场
spike in global food prices全球粮食价格的飙升
spur change in the course of pursuing development在发展中促转变
steady build-up in vulnerabilities脆弱性不断蓄积
stem the crisis in the eurozone遏制欧元区危机
stocks denominated in renminbi以人民币计价的股票
strengthen cooperation in R&D加强研发合作
stuck in command-economy mode拘泥于计划经济模式
subscription received in advance预收订费
subscriptions received in advance预收订费
substantial slowdown in credit growth信贷增长大幅放缓
suggested changes in conversion procedures修正折合方法的提出
support open environments for investment in financial services and cross-border portfolio investment支持为金融服务和跨境证券投资领域营造开放的投资环境
surge in commodity prices大宗商品价格飙升
system of adjustment of the pension in payment支付中养恤金的调整办法
take part of the debt out in goods以货抵充部分债务
tax in money货币税
tenancy in common共同租赁
to correct errors in red ink红笔订正法
trade settled in renminbi以人民币结算的贸易
trade shares in Chinese companies买卖中国企业的股票
transfer-in of individual accounts个人账户转人
transfer-in with compensation有偿调人
transfer-in without compensation无偿调人
transferred-in cost转人成本
transferred-in cost转入成本
transportation -in运入运费
transportation -in购货运费
treatment in the balance sheet资产负债表上之处理
unappropriated budget surplus held in suspense暂记帐内尚未拨用的预算盈余
uncontrolled fluctuation in price价格的自由波动
up and in上涨生效期权
up to the ears in debt债台高筑
up-and-in barrier option上涨生效障碍期权
up-and-in call option上涨生效看涨期权
up-and-in option上涨生效期权 (这是一种触碰生效期权,在基础资产市价升至约定水平时才生效的期权)
up-and-in put上涨生效看跌期权
up-and-in put option上涨生效看跌期权
upside volatility in USDCNY美元对人民币汇率的正向波动性
utilize the tools of prices and quantity in an integrated manner综合运用价格和数量工具
value in account帐款
value in securities证券价值
velocity of currency in circulation货币流通速度
wage in kind实物工资
walk-in client街客
walk-in client自荐客户
wayward erratic movements in exchange rate汇率异常变动
weakness in the global economy全球经济疲软
World Economic Forum in Davos达沃斯世界经济论坛即"世界经济论坛"
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