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主题的术语 联合国 (10497 статей)
"tramos flotantes adicionales" de los programas del Servicio para el Crecimiento y la Reducción de la Pobreza floating additional tranches" in PRGF programmes
"Trigger List" Trigger list (by Zangger Committee, of items triggering IAEA safeguards)
"zonas de reunión previas al desarme" pre-disarmament assembly areas
-- fiebre terciana vivax malaria
1,1difluoro-1-cloroetano 1-chloro-1,1-difluoroethane
1,1difluoro-1-cloroetano 1,1-difluoro-1-chloroethane
1,2-dibromoetano 1,2-dibromoethane
3 erres 3Rs =reduction, reuse and recycling/reduce, reuse and recycle
3 erres reduce, reuse and recycle
3 erres reduction, reuse and recycling
3 erres reduction, reuse and recycling/reduce, reuse and recycle
4 erres 4Rs =reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery
4 erres reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery
a cargo de la responsabilidad be charged with the responsibility
a efecto de for
a efecto de with a view to
a iniciativa by reference from
a iniciativa on the initiative
a nivel de la comunidad community-based [adj.]
a prueba de balas bullet-resistant (glazing)