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主题的术语 家用设备 (141 статья)
disinfection cabinet 消毒柜
Don't let the baby stick her fingers in the socket 别让小宝宝把手指伸进插座
drip dry
dry battery 干电池
dry clean 干洗
dry cleaning machine 干洗机
dryer 烘干机
duster 抹布
E-dictionaries refer to palm e-dictionaries, personal computer dictionaries and on-line dictionaries 电子词典分为掌上词典、个人电脑词典和在线词典
e-dictionary 电子词典
electric blanket 电热毯
electric heater 电暖气
electric meter 电表
electric pad 电热垫
Electric power travels through the medium of wire 电力通过电线这个媒介物传导
electric radiator 电暖气
electric rice cooker 电饭煲
electric stove 电炉
electric toothbrush 电动牙刷
exhaust fan 排气扇