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主题的术语 美国人 (184 статей)
cut the connection 把东西拆开
cut the connection 割断联系
deep state
department of public works 市政工程处
description point 方向标
description point 参考点
disulfuric acid 焦硫酸
disulfuric acid 一缩二硫酸
do a fade 消失
do things on the big figure 大干特干
do things on the big figure 大规模地干某事
due bill 国库券
efficiency apartment 有厨房卫生设备的公寓套房
even Steven 比分相等
even Steven 拉平
Financial Executive 《财务经理》
fire into the wrong flock 打错目标
fire into the wrong flock 失误
first, last, and all the time 始终一贯
first, last, and all the time 绝对