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притихнуть czas.akcenty
Gruzovik quiet down; grow quiet (pf of притихать); hush; die down (pf of притихать); abate (pf of притихать); slacken (pf of притихать)
posp. hushaby; quieten; go quiet (linton); slacken; abate; die down (of noise); grow quiet; pipe down; sleep; hush; dip (The conversation dipped fractionally as the two guards wandered in, and then rose to its former level. 4uzhoj); quiet down; subside
Gruzovik, przen. lower one's tone (pf of притихать); pipe down (pf of притихать)
idiom. sign a different song (igisheva); sing a different tune (igisheva); sing a new song (igisheva); sing a new tune (igisheva); sing another song (igisheva); sing another tune (igisheva); whistle a different tune (igisheva)
nief. fall silent (Damirules)
przen. lower tone
slang belt up; simmer down; simmer
притихший ims. przym.
posp. infolded in silence; hunkered-down (контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П)
lit. hushed (Except for the squeaking of mice behind the wainscoting and an occasional rustling sound as one of the bats in the chimney stirred uneasily in its sleep, Rowcester Abbey lay hushed and still. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
makar. enfolded in silence
притихнуть: 7 do fraz, 4 tematyki