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навести порядокakcenty
привести в порядок; прибраться
posp. reduce to order; bring discipline (to bookworm); restore order (assuming there had been any before Liv Bliss); put to rights; set to rights; sort out the mess (bookworm); stop the rot (Anglophile); put things right (raf); put right; set right; put things in order; straighten things out; regain some order (в знач. "вернуть": Kids out of control? Here's how to regain some order. ART Vancouver); sort it out (It's a mess obviously. All parties need to work together to sort it out. ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг tidy up; clean up; whip into shape; bring matters under control (в каком-то вопросе)
banał. sort things out (It's getting really crazy downtown. The City really needs to sort things out because it's getting very dangerous for all. These random crazy actions are becoming way too normal in Vancouver. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
dypl. establish order
idiom. clean up the mess (напр., в экономике: When Liberal PM Jean Chretien together with Minister of Finance Paul Martin came to power they knew immediately that they had to clean up the mess Justin Trudeau's father – Pierre Trudeau – created to the economy. They brought in austerity and cut spending 10% straight across the board. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
kontekst deal with (They pointed out, in one location in one parcel, that there was a temporary piece of insulation that had been put on a piece of pipe that we dealt with immediately. ART Vancouver)
książk. unconfuse (MichaelBurov)
makar. put a place in order (где-либо); reduce to an orderly arrangement; send in
makar., daw. set something to rights (где-либо)
sach. put the house in order (Sakhalin Energy)
właśc. clean house
навести порядок: 33 do fraz, 9 tematyki
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