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astron. inflammateur
| range
finans. plage de fluctuation
nauki o ż. ensemble des valeurs
nauki o ż. ochr.środ. aire de distribution
nauki prz. roln. terrain de parcours
opiek. aire d'extension; aire de répartition
organ. posp. rayon
przem. bud. bande de croupon
roln. brigade
- znaleziono osobne słowa (niektóre znaczenia z tezaurusa nie mają tłumaczeń w słowniku)

do fraz
fuze [fju:z] rzecz.
astron. inflammateur m
 Angielski tezaurus
fuze [fju:z] rzecz.
not to be confused with fuse (Some professional publications about explosives and munitions distinguish the "fuse" and "fuze" spelling: Fuse: Cord or tube for the transmission of flame or explosion usually consisting of cord or rope with gunpowder or high explosive spun into it. (The spelling fuze may also be met for this term, but fuse is the preferred spelling in this context.) || Fuze: A device with explosive components designed to initiate a main charge. (The spelling fuse may also be met for this term, but fuze is the preferred spelling in this context.) wikipedia.org)
skr., wojsk. fuse
fuze: 11 do fraz, 4 tematyki