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AES skr.
micr. стандарт AES (A cryptographic algorithm specified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to protect sensitive information)
 Angielski tezaurus
AE [eɪ] skr.
skr., elektron. abrupt emitter (transistor); acoustoelectric; action entity; active element; adaptive equalization; address enable (input); alignment error; animation editor; assembly error; attenuation error; audit entry; Auger effect
skr., kryptogr. authenticated encryption
skr., lotn. accumulative error; aerodynamic efficiency; aeronautical air engineer; aeronautic engineering; Airbus Espana; Association of European Airlines; atmospheric explorer
skr., mater. agent air entraining agent
skr., med. acrodermatitis enteropathica; adult erythrocyte; alveolar echinococcosis; aminoethyl group; Antitoxineinheit
skr., med., niem. Avena Einheit
skr., mot. automotive engineering
skr., obron. array element
skr., rekl. angled end
skr., wojsk. Army in Europe
ae [eɪ] skr.
skr., nauka o z. aegirine
skr., ropa / r. aeolian
zjedn. aerial
Ae [eɪ] skr.
skr., hutn. arrest point on equilibrium
skr., nauka o z. achondrite of enstatite
Ae. skr.
skr. aerial
ae. skr.
skr., med., łac. aetatis
AES skr.
komp. adaptive echo canceller; atmospheric environment service
skr. Accumulated Experience Sharing; Automated Evaluation System; Automated Export System; Aerospace Electrical Society; Airborne ELINT System; Aircraft Electrical Society; American Entomological Society; American Epilepsy Society (Американское общество по изучению эпилепсии Углов); American Ethnological Society; Application Environment Service / Specification (OSF); Army Engineer School; Army Engineer Service; Army Exchange Service; Artificial Earth Satellite; Asian Environmental Society; ATCCS experimentation site; Atlantic Economic Society (Экономическое сообщество стран Атлантического региона Углов); Atomic Energy Site; Auger Electron Emission Spectroscopy; advanced encryption standards; Airways Engineering Society; American Electroplaters' Society; agricultural extension service; Auger Electron Spectrum; Automatic Emulation Switching (Lexmark); Auger spectroscopy
skr., astronaut. aircraft earth station (станция слежения за КЛА, расположенная на самолёте Углов)
skr., bank. advance payment against EOS (MichaelBurov)
skr., biol. American Eugenics Society
skr., broń. Agent emission standards
skr., bryt.ang. Army education scheme
skr., chem. alkylethoxy sulfates; 2-aminoethylsulphuric acid
skr., eduk. American Embassy School
skr., eduk., nauk. Agricultural Experiment Station; Association For Exchange Students
skr., ekon. alternative economic strategy (альтернативная экономическая стратегия Углов)
skr., elektron. activation energy spectrum; ATM edge switcher; attenuating embedded shifter (material); Auger electron spectroscope; Auger emission spectroscopy; automatic equalization sequence; auxiliary encode system
skr., elektron., nauk. Auger Electron Spectroscopy; Automatic Electronic Systems
skr., fizj. Acute Encephalitis Syndrome; Anterior Epidural Space; Aortic Ejection Sound
skr., giełd. A E S Corporation
skr., hodowl. Agricultural Economics Society (china); Agricultural Engineering Society (Australia)
skr., immun. antieosinophil serum
skr., karat. auxiliary equipment and supplies
skr., lotn. Aalesund, Norway; Aviation Engineering Service (Christine_A); American Electronic Society; aerospace electronic system; air electronic school; analog event system; automatic encoder system
skr., makar. aerodrome emergence service; automated extraction system; Auger electron spectroscopy
skr., med. Acetone-extracted Serum; Ambulatory Encounter System; American Electroencephalographic Society; American Encephalographic Society; American Endocrine Society; American Endodontic Society; American Epidemiological Society; American Equilibration Society; American Electrophoresis Society; Adult Emergency Services; American Endoscopic Society; American Epidermological Society; American Ethological Society; American Eugenic Society; Apathy Evaluation Scale (Liza G.)
skr., mor., nauk. Atmospheric Environment Service
skr., mot. acrylonitrile ethylene styrene; American Electro-chemical Society; American Electrotechnical Society; Auxiliary Emission Strategy (Dinara Makarova)
skr., nauka o z. Air and Earth Shock; alkylethoxy sulphates; allyl elthenesulphonate; Apollo Earth-orbiting Station; Asian Economic Seminar; astronomical explorer satellite; auger electron spectrometer
skr., poczt. Automated Enrollment System (for Management Academy courses)
skr., polim. American Electrochemical Society; American Electroplaters Society
skr., prod. Association of Engineering Societies (Yeldar Azanbayev)
skr., progr. application environment specification (ssn)
skr., przestrz. aerospace and electronic system; aeronautical earth station; azimuth erro site
skr., publ. Audio Engineering Society
skr., roln. agricultural experiment station
skr., ropa / r. 2-aminoethyl sulfuric acid; alcohol ether sulfate; alkylethoxy sulfate; American Electronical Society; applied energy services; array element study; assets and expenditures survey; Atlantic Estuarine Society; atomic emission spectrometry; atomic excitation spectroscopy; attenuation efficiency score; Auger electron spectrometry; automatic electronic switch; automatic emergency shutdown; auxiliary engine seat; Allertal fault system
skr., sieć. Application Environment Specifications; auto emulation switching
skr., spektr. atomic emission spectroscopy (атомная эмиссионная спектроскопия; сокр. Углов)
skr., syst. auto electronic shutter
skr., syst., technol. Advanced Encryption Standard
skr., szkoc.ang. Advanced Exterior Sensor; A (Eickhorn GmbH & Co. fur Schneidwaren & Waffen (Germany))
skr., techn. Aerodrome Emergency Service (Vosoni); American Electromechanical Society (Vosoni); Automatic Electronic Shutter (tannin); American Engine Society
skr., technol. Asynchronous Event Scheduler; advanced encryption standard (Bricker); Advanced Encryption-Standard; Asynchronous Events Services
skr., telekom. aircraft earth station
skr., transp. Automatic Energy Selector; Automotive Engine Specialties
skr., tworz. ethylene-propylene-styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer; thermoplastic quaterpolymer from acrylonitrile,ethylene, propylene, styrene
skr., wojsk. Advanced Encryption System; Army Education System; Army Enterprise Strategy; Army Experimentation Site; ATCCS Experimentation Site; Advanced ECM System
skr., wojsk., lotn. abort in ejection seats
skr., znak. Advanced Energy Systems; Antique Electronic Supply
techn. active electromagnetic system; aerospace electronics system; Auger-electron spectroscopy; auxiliary engineered safeguards
techn., skr. atomic emission spectroscopy
tworz. Poly (Acrylonitrile Ethylene Propylene Styrene)
wojsk. aeromedical evacuation squadron; aeromedical evacuation system; air equipment and support; aircraft electrical system; area electronic supervisor; Army excess property; artillery equipment school; auxiliary encoder system
μ-AES skr.
skr., elektron. micro-Auger electron spectroscopy