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do fraz
CTP skr.
inwest., skr. continuous tender panel
med., skr. cytidine triphosphate
przem., skr. comparative testing program; core thermal power
skr. computer-to-plate; Chi Town Players; Corporate Trade Payment; Certified Treasury Professional (Alexander Matytsin); capacity-to-promise (алешаBG); Cordless Telephony Profile (Bluetooth); command terminal protocol; Committee for Torture Prevention
skr., badan. completed regulatory documents package (MichaelBurov)
skr., biot. chloroplast transit peptide
skr., bizn. Common Transport Policy; Client Technical Specialist (dimock)
skr., eduk. Computer Technology and Programming (Johnny Bravo)
skr., eduk., nauk. Coach Training Program
skr., ekol. Conventional Treatment Plants (wastewater bigbeat)
skr., ekon. capable to promise (Berke)
skr., elektron. composite theoretical performance; charge transforming parameter; cluster trunk processor; confidence test program; configuration testing protocol; connection termination point; continuous time parameter
skr., finans. Joint China-IMF Training Program
skr., giełd. C M P Group, Inc.
skr., intern. Click Thru Percent
skr., kasp. commissioning test procedure (Yeldar Azanbayev)
skr., lotn. Carutapera, Ma, Brazil; CAATS Training Program; Continuous Training Program; component test program; connection terminal point; critical technical parameter; cargo temperature panel; chief test pilot; communication timing procedure; comprehensive test plan
skr., makar. laser computer-to-plate
skr., mat., nauk. Complement Taking Predicate
skr., meteorol. Citrate Transport Protein; cytidine 5' triphosphate; California test of Personality
skr., mnich. Card Type Possible
skr., mot. closed throttle position
skr., nauka o z. cold test pit; control-treatment pairing
skr., nazw. California Time Petroleum, Inc.
skr., obron. cordless telephone profile
skr., organ., polit. Turkish Republican Party
skr., praw. compulsory third-party (Compulsory Third Party. wiki Alexander Demidov)
skr., progr., technol. Customer Technology Preview
skr., przestrz. consolidated target program; critical technical parameters
skr., publ. Cartoon Television Program
skr., ropa / r. cleaning to pits; compressional travel time
skr., ruroc. cone-type piercer (stein_vik)
skr., sieć. centralized token passing
skr., sport Closest To The Pin
skr., szkoc.ang. Comparative Test Programme (NATO)
skr., technol. Computer To Plate; coal-to-propylene (lexicographer)
skr., tomogr. computed tomography perfusion (Баян); CT perfusion (Баян)
skr., wojsk. Communications Terminal Processor; Coordinated Test Plan; common tactical picture
skr., wojsk., lotn. chief test pilot
skr., włók. Counter Trade Practices
techn. communications timing procedure
techn., skr. charge transformation parameter; coded telemetry processor; connectionless transport protocol; construction test procedure; containment test pressurization; controlled temperature profile
wojsk., skr. central transfer point; combat training program; consolidated telecommunications program; coordinated test plan; coordinated test program
CtP skr.
poligr. Computer-to-Plate (технология изготовления печатных форм, при которой данные из компьютера передаются непосредственно в устройство, изготавливающее печатную форму из какой-либо заготовки bojana)
CTP: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki