
   Angielski Rosyjski
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GA skr.akcenty
anest. общий наркоз (местного наркоза не бывает, наркоз всегда общий, doc090, но что делать переводчику, если в тексте именно общий наркоз? MichaelBurov); общее обезболивание (MichaelBurov); общая анестезия (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, ekon. агент, представляющий своего доверителя по широкому кругу вопросов (general agent)
Gruzovik, nauk. общая схема (general arrangement); сборочный чертёж (general arrangement)
Gruzovik, polit. Джорджия, штат США (Georgia)
lotn. малая авиация (MichaelBurov); лёгкая авиация (MichaelBurov); АОН (MichaelBurov); уход на второй круг; авиация общего назначения (general aviation Emilia M); угол планирования (gliding angle Emilia M)
med. срок беременности (gestational age allag)
olej. галлонов кислоты (gallons of acid)
organ. Генеральная Ассамблея (ООН kee46); Генеральная Ассамблея ООН (Andrey Truhachev)
prod. АТИ (Yeldar Azanbayev); атмосфера избыточная (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ropa / r. число галлонов кислоты (gallons of acid)
telekom. число новых подключений (gross adds Ремедиос_П)
wojsk. табун (боевое отравляющее вещество нервно-паралитического действия Alex_Odeychuk); Джи-Эй (табун)
zaut. генетический алгоритм (сокр. от genetic algorithm ssn)
Ga skr.
geochr. миллиардов лет (MichaelBurov); миллиард лет (MichaelBurov)
geol. миллиард (лет, в геологиии Andrey250780)
techn. галлий
ga skr.
chiń. га (для транскрипции на основе латиницы, используемой для передачи звуков китайского языка по системе ханьюй пиньинь, кириллический эквивалент приводится по системе Палладия Alex_Odeychuk)
geofiz. кажущаяся проводимость
techn. калибр
Ga. skr.
posp. штат Джорджия (lop20)
 Angielski tezaurus
GA skr.
skr., lotn. general application; general information; generator assembly; ground A; Garuda Indonesia
skr., meteorol. airway conductance; antigen-antibody reaction; gibberellin A3; gingivoaxial; glutaric aciduria; gut-associated; glycuronic acid
Ga. skr.
skr. Georgia; Georgia Reports
ga. rzecz.
bud. gauge
skr. gasoline; gage
GA skr.
skr. glyoxal
skr., chem. glutamic acid
skr., finans. general account
skr., kasp. gathering (Yeldar Azanbayev)
skr., lotn. generic aircraft; general aircraft corporation
skr., nauka o z. galvanic; Gemological Association; geophone analyzer; girding algorithm; granulite; ground area
skr., przestrz. gimbal angle; go-ahead signal; go around; gyro accelerometer; gyroscope autopilot
skr., ropa / r. Canadian Gas Association; grid azimuth; Gas Abstracts; gas alarm; gas analyzer; gas or air; gated attenuation; gauged; gear assembly; gelled acid; gelling agent; genetic algorithms; Geo-Abstracts; Geographical Abstracts; Geological Abstracts; Geological Association; Geologists' Association; Geomorphologic Abstracts; Geoscience Abstracts; Geotechnical Abstracts; gray amorphous; green algae; group atmosphere
skr., sport goals against
skr., telekom. global address
GA skr.
przem. grounding analysis; graphical approach
skr. CSX Transportation Incorporated; Gabon (Internet country code Alex Lilo); gage (gauge); Gage (Alex Lilo); Galaxy Angel (anime series Alex Lilo); Galeria E Arteve (National Art Gallery Alex Lilo); Galvanizers Association (UK Alex Lilo); Gambling Act; Game Arena (Australian gaming website Alex Lilo); Gaming-Age (gaming website Alex Lilo); Garage (real estate Alex Lilo); Garuda Indonesia Airline - Indonesia (IATA airline code Alex Lilo); Gary Allan (country music artist Alex Lilo); gas amplification; Gas Analysis (Alex Lilo); Gate Array (Alex Lilo); Gay Asian (Alex Lilo); Gazillion Annum; Geekarea (website Alex Lilo); General Accident (British Insurance Company Alex Lilo); General Adjutant; General Admission (Alex Lilo); General Agent; General Agreement (Alex Lilo); General Alarm (Alex Lilo); General Anaesthetic; General Answer (Alex Lilo); general assignment; General Assistance (Alex Lilo); General Auditor (Alex Lilo); Gambia (Alex Lilo); General Authority; General Auxiliary (Alex Lilo); General Availability (OS/2); General Awareness (Alex Lilo); General of the Air Force; General of the Army; Generally Available (Alex Lilo); Genetic Anomalies, Inc. (Alex Lilo); Genetically Altered; Geographic Address; Geographic Atrophy (eye condition Alex Lilo); Geographical Address (Alex Lilo); Geographical Association; Geologic Age (Alex Lilo); Geologists Association; Geoscience Australia (Alex Lilo); German Army; Germantown Academy (Alex Lilo); Gestational Age (Alex Lilo); Ghana Army (Alex Lilo); Gift Aid; Giga Annum; Gilbert Arenas (basketball player Alex Lilo); Gillian Anderson (Alex Lilo); Ginger Ale (Alex Lilo); Giorgio Armani (clothing brand Alex Lilo); Girls Aloud (band Alex Lilo); Girls in Action (Southern Baptist Convention organization for young girls Alex Lilo); Gis Analysis; Glendale Arena (Arizona Alex Lilo); Global Assessment (Alex Lilo); Global Atlas (Alex Lilo); Globus Alliance (HP, IBM, et al Alex Lilo); Glutaraldehyde (Alex Lilo); Glyoxylic Acid; Go Ahead (used in chat Alex Lilo); Go Away (Alex Lilo); Goal Attack; Goals Against (Alex Lilo); GoblinARMY (gaming Alex Lilo); Good Afternoon (Alex Lilo); Google Analytics (Alex Lilo); Google Answers; Gould Aerospace; Government Actuary; Government Aided (Alex Lilo); Government Allotment (Alex Lilo); Government Civil Aviation Authority; Graduate Advisor (live-in advisors to undergraduates Alex Lilo); Graduate Assistant (Alex Lilo); Graduate Assistantship (Alex Lilo); Grand Admiral (Alex Lilo); Grand Alliance (advanced television Alex Lilo); Granuloma Annulare (dermatology Alex Lilo); graphic ammeter; Graphic Annunciator (fire alarm Alex Lilo); Graphic Arts; GraphicAudio (Alex Lilo); Graphics & Administration (Alex Lilo); Graphics Adapter (Alex Lilo); Graphics Array (Alex Lilo); Gravity Assist (spacecraft trajectories Alex Lilo); Great Adventure (theme park Alex Lilo); Great America; Great Arsehole; Green Alliance (London, UK Alex Lilo); Green Armour (Quake Alex Lilo); Green Arrow (comics character Alex Lilo); Grey's Anatomy (TV show Alex Lilo); Gridiron Australia (Alex Lilo); Ground Antenna (Alex Lilo); Group Address; Group Assignment; Growth Accelerated; Guano Apes (band Alex Lilo); Guarantee Agency (Alex Lilo); Guardian Angel (Alex Lilo); Guest Advisor (Alex Lilo); Guichet Automatique (Alex Lilo); Gun-Assembled (Alex Lilo); Gund Arena (Cleveland Alex Lilo); Irish (Gaelic)
skr., broń. a nerve agent; General arrangement; General Atomics; Tabun, O-ethyl-N, N-dimethylphosphoramidocyanidate; tabun (a nerve agent)
skr., bryt.ang. Garrison Adjutant
skr., bud. General Arrangement (Общая компоновка Altuntash)
skr., elektron. gain adjustment; gate amplifier; germanium alloy; gimbal assembly; global array; graphics attachment; green amplifier
skr., finans. Gaelic
skr., fizj. General Anesthesia
skr., gen. Genome Analyzer (Altuntash); Golgi apparatus
skr., gleb. gabbro
skr., górn. Gypsum Association
skr., hand. general arrangement
skr., haz. Gamblers Anonymous (a twelve-step program for people who have a gambling problem Val_Ships)
skr., lotn. general aviation (MichaelBurov); general purpose aviation (MichaelBurov); GPA (MichaelBurov); gliding angle; go-around; ground attack
skr., med. G Protein Subunit Alpha Complex; Gastric Analysis; General Appearance; Gastric Antrum; Gentisic Acid; Germ-cell Antigen; Gibberellic Acid; Glucuronic Acid; general anesthesia (MichaelBurov); general anaesthesia (MichaelBurov)
skr., mor. General Average
skr., nief. go-ahead
skr., okręt. General arrangement drawing (Val_Ships)
skr., onkol. General Anesthetic
skr., oprogr. general availability (Software release life cycle Artjaazz)
skr., polit. Gambia
skr., roln. gastric analysis; gibberellic acid
skr., ropa / r. Gas Association; gelling agents
skr., sach. government affairs (Sakhalin Energy)
skr., szkoc.ang. Georgia (US state); Gun Assembly; Tabun (Ethyl-dimethylamido-phosphorcyanidate //Chemical warfare nerve agent)
skr., technol. general availability (Bricker)
skr., ubezp. general average
skr., wojsk. Gain (antenna gain); Generic Algorithm; Genetic Algorithm; ground-to-air; tabun (Киселев); geospatial analyst; Tabun, a nerve agent
skr., zwalcz. gas
techn. gage man; gallons of acid; gate; give answer; go ahead; grapple adapter; group on audio and electronics; guidance amplifier; gyro assembly
wojsk. general accounting; general alert; general assembly; government agency; grant aid; graze action; ground alert
Ga skr.
geochr. giga annum (MichaelBurov); gigaannum (MichaelBurov); gigayear (MichaelBurov)
kartogr. Georgia
skr. billion years before present; Galileum criterion; Gynoecium; gallium
skr., elektron. gain of antenna
skr., nauka o z. Galileo number
skr., ropa / r. garnet; galena; gangue
techn. gley; grain; grate area; green; group; specific gravity
techn., skr. Gallium
ga skr.
górn. gasoline
lotn. glide angle
polim. gauge
skr. general aviation
skr., ropa / r. gauging; glacial
GA-61-011d в пом. M 2: 8 do fraz, 1 tematyki