
Terminy według tematyki Nieruchomość zawierające метод | wszystkie formy | tylko w zadanej formie
метод валового рентного мультипликатораgross rent multiplier method (he gross rent multiplier method is one of the appraisal methods for income-producing commercial real estate, such as apartment buildings, office buildings and strip malls. An appraisal, which is a formal process of determining the value of a real estate property, helps establish a baseline for buyers and sellers to conclude a real estate transaction. Alexander Demidov)
метод выделенияabstraction method (оценочная деятельность: Abstraction Method–Method of land valuation in the absence of vacant land sales, whereby improvement values obtained from the cost model are subtracted from sale prices of improved parcels to yield residual land value estimates. тж. см. residual land technique. 'More)
метод капитализации доходаincome capitalization approach (The income capitalization approach capitalizes the stream of income into an indicator of value of a commercial property that produces income. (Оценочная деятельность) 'More)
метод капитализации доходаcapitalization of income method (оценочная деятельность: capitalization of income method–Method of estimating accrued depreciation similar to the sales comparison approach except that estimated values (appraisals) based on the income approach are used instead of comparable sales. Reliability depends on accurate data and appropriate methods. 'More)
метод капитализации земельной рентыincome capitalization approach (The income capitalization approach (often referred to simply as the "income approach") is used to value commercial and investment properties. Because it is intended to directly reflect or model the expectations and behaviors of typical market participants, this approach is generally considered the most applicable valuation technique for income-producing properties, where sufficient market data exists. wiki Alexander Demidov)
метод остаткаremainder approach (Ershova)
метод парных продажmatched-pairs analysis (Adjustments to the comparables may be determined by trend analysis, matched-pairs analysis, or simple surveys of the market. wiki Alexander Demidov)
метод парных продажpaired sales method, comparable unit method (один из методов оценки недвижимости в рамках сравнительного подхода Natalia Zimarina)
метод предполагаемого использованияanticipated use method (оценочная деятельность – Anticipated Use Method–A method used to appraise underdeveloped land. Expected improvements to the land are specified, and total development costs are estimated and subtracted from the projected selling price to give an estimate of the value of the undeveloped land. 'More)
метод прямой капитализацииdirect capitalization method (Nadezhda_1212)
метод прямой капитализацииdirect capitalisation approach (Ershova)
метод разбивки по компонентамunit-in-place method (The unit-in-place method is a modification of the quantity survey method. Cost of labor, materials, overhead, and profit are combined into a unit cost for each portion of the building. Cost per square foot for roofs and walls, and linear foot costs of foundation walls are examples of the unit-in-place method. This method helps the appraiser compute the cost of a building when the comparative method is not practical. pickensassessor.org aldrignedigen)
метод распределенияallocation method (оценочная деятельность: Allocation Method–A method used to value land, in the absence of vacant land sales, by using a typical ratio of land to improvement value. тж. см. land ratio method 'More)
метод сравнения продажsales comparison method (The sales comparison method relies on an analysis of actual sales in the marketplace to arrive at the value of the subject property. Alexander Demidov)
метод сравнимых продажComparable Sales Method (YelenaM)