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Terminy tematyki Ochrona środowiska (6310 статей)
administratīvie norādījumi administrative instructions (Education in the theories and practices of managing an office, business or organization)
administratīvs akts administrative deed (Any formal and legitimate step taken or decision made on matters of policy by a chief or other top-level officer within an organization)
administratīvs akts, ar kuru nodod privātu īpašumu sabiedriskā lietošanā declaration of public utility (Administrative Act giving the right to take private property for public use)
adresātu saraksts mailing list (A series of addresses or e-mail addresses to which solicited or unsolicited mass mailings can be sent)
adsorbcija adsorption (The physical or chemical bonding of molecules of gas, liquid or a dissolved substance to the external surface of a solid or the internal surface, if the material is porous, in a very thin layer)
aerācija aeration (Exposition to the action of air)
aerācijas zona sewage farm (Area of land on which sewage or any other type of waste water is distributed in order to purify it; it is a kind of waste water treatment)
aeroba apstrāde aerobic treatment (The introduction of air into sewage so as to provide aerobic biochemical stabilization during a detention period)
aerobie apstākļi aerobic condition (Life common to the majority of animal and plants species requiring the presence of oxygen)
aerobioloģija aerobiology (The study of the atmospheric dispersal of airborne fungus spores, pollen grains, and microorganisms; and, more broadly, of airborne propagules of algae and protozoans, minute insects such as aphids, and pollution gases and particles which exert specific biologic effects)
aerobs process aerobic process (A process requiring the presence of oxygen)
aerodinamiskais troksnis aerodynamic noise (Acoustic noise caused by turbulent airflow over the surface of a body)
aerofotogrāfija aerial photography (No definition needed)
aerosola baloniņš spray can (An aerosol can for applying paint, deodorant, etc., as a fine spray)
aerosols aerosol (A gaseous suspension of ultramicroscopic particles of a liquid or a solid)
aerotenks aeration basin
aerotenks aeration tank
aerotenks bio-aeration basin
aerotenks floculation tank
Āfrika Africa (The second largest of the continents, on the Mediterranean in the north, the Atlantic in the west, and the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean in the east. The Sahara desert divides the continent unequally into North Africa and Africa south of Sahara. The largest lake is Lake Victoria and the chief rivers are the Nile, Niger, Congo, and Zambezi. The hottest continent, Africa has vast mineral resources, many of which are still undeveloped)