
 Slam Juice

link 16.12.2006 9:26 
Subject: Check,please!!!
Read the story. There are NINE mistakes in the use of verb forms. Find and correct them.

Bruce Fenster, a writer for TV View, frequently is interviewing celebreties for the magazine. Since he has started two years ago, he has met many celebrities. Last week, he has intervied Jessica Wood, a popular talk-show host. When Bruce was arriving at the TV Studio, Ms. Wood was taping her show. When Bruce sees her, Wood and her producers had been arguing. Apparently, the producers going to change some material, but Wood convinced them not to. By the time Bruce and Ms. Wood started talking, Bruce had been waited for over an hour. In the interview, Bruce found out some interesting things: Wood had studied psychology in college, but she decided to try her luck as a stand-up comedian after graduation. She had a short career as a comic, and she had performed at comedy clubs when the network discovered her. Bruce and Ms. Wood chatted for about twenty minuted and when the interview was over, Bruce went home and wrote his article. His editor was liking it ver much.

My try..

Bruce Fenster, a writer for TV View, frequently INTERVIEWS celebreties for the magazine. Since he___started two years ago, he has met many celebrities. Last week, he___intervied Jessica Wood, a popular talk-show host. When Bruce ARRIVED at the TV Studio, Ms. Wood was taping her show. When Bruce SAW her, Wood and her producers WERE arguing. Apparently, the producers WERE going to change some material, but Wood convinced them not to. By the time Bruce and Ms. Wood started talking, Bruce had been waitING for over an hour. In the interview, Bruce found out some interesting things: Wood had studied psychology in college, but she decided to try her luck as a stand-up comedian after graduation. She had a short career as a comic, and she HAD BEEN PERFORMING at comedy clubs when the network discovered her. Bruce and Ms. Wood HAD BEEN CHATTING for about twenty minuted and when the interview was over, Bruce went home and wrote his article. His editor LIKED it ver much.

Am I right? I found ELEVEN mistakes...


link 16.12.2006 10:12 
По-моему, вы переборщили с HAD BEEN CHATTING в предпоследнем предложении. Зачем подчеркивать длительность? Просто последовательные действия, хватит и паст индефинита. А что еще лишнее - не могу сказать с уверенностью.

 Slam Juice

link 16.12.2006 11:10 
Thanks! Any other comments,please?


link 16.12.2006 11:49 
И с HAD BEEN PERFORMING тоже переборщили


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